Instructor Certificate Program in University Teaching and Learning

Instructors are invited to join us in the Instructor Certificate Program in University Teaching and Learning!

The Instructor Certificate Program (ICP) in University Teaching and Learning offers flexible and varied opportunities for instructors to engage in pedagogical development through exploration and dialogue with colleagues from across the university in five domains: instructional design, educational technologies, inclusive teaching, assessment and evaluation, and reflective practice.

A venn diagram depicting the interrelated nature of the five domains of the Instructor Certificate Program.

Workshops will be offered in synchronous (both on-campus and online) and asynchronous modalities providing flexible opportunities for instructor professional development.

Information about upcoming workshops and registration can be found on ExperienceBU.


  1. Community/Connection – Connect with university colleagues to discuss teaching and learning, your teaching practice, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
  2. Investigate – Explore SoTL topics relevant to your practice and interest (e.g. assessment, inclusive design, accessibility, instructional strategies, working with Teaching Assistants, course design, etc.) through workshops and participation in community elements
  3. Create – Create/revise/(re)vision relevant teaching and learning materials (e.g. course assignments, syllabi, assessment tools); construct a teaching dossier
  4. Reflect – Reflect on your teaching practice

Program Components

The Instructor Certificate Program (ICP) in University Teaching and Learning is intended to offer flexible opportunities for instructor professional development. The program consists of three (3) core components: workshop participation, community engagement, and reflective practice.

A flow chart of program components. Workshops: choose 1 from each category (instructional design, assessment and evaluation, educational technologies, and inclusive teaching) OR the Instructional Skills workshop. Community - join or create a community (e.g. teaching squares, community of practice). Reflective practice - develop a teaching dossier

Workshops will take place both synchronously (in-person and online) and asynchronously on Brock’s Learning Management System – Brightspace. You can find more information on the ISW and workshop details here on the CPI website and ExperienceBU.

The community component of the ICP can take a variety of forms and will be supported by the CPI’s educational development team including Teaching Squares, communities of practice and inquiry, and SoTL reading groups.

The reflective practice component of the ICP includes the composition of a teaching dossier. Members of the educational development team are available to support through individual consultations and/or the facilitation of group discussions.

Instructors can join us in the Instructor Certificate Program in a variety of ways and at any time of year – you can complete the form below or reach out to [email protected] to get started.