Welcome to Music: Orientation for 2020!

(a screen shot from the welcome by Dr. Karin di Bella. Watch the video below.)

Brock University is launching the first-ever Virtual Welcome Week.
During this year of the pandemic the Orientation activities are all online.
Watch the welcome below and visit the official Orientation page for all the details!


Dr. Karin Di Bella, an accomplished pianist and educator, is the Chair of the Department:

Dr. Di Bella will be holding office hours on September 8th from 2-3 pm on Teams.
Drop-in and say hi! (click here)

Reminders from your Music professors:

  • Check Sakai and your Brock email for info about your first class
  • Choir: if you still need to do your choir audition, please look here for more information:
    Sing at Brock!
  • Lessons: if you still need to set up your lesson, contact Dr. Di Bella [email protected]
  • For all other inquiries please contact the Music Office and we’ll be happy to direct you to the right place. [email protected]

Classes start Wednesday, September 9th! Have fun! We are happy you’re here.

PS. Our MUSI student yearly welcome/orientation for all new and returning MUSI students will take place on the first Tuesday@Noon.  Ask Professor Di Bella for details.

The Department of Dramatic Arts, Music, Visual Arts, and the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture are all part of the Faculty of Humanities.

The Associate Dean, Dr. Neta Gordon, Professor of English, welcomes you to Brock University! She’s prepared an 11 minute video to introduce to you to the Faculty of Humanities:

Michael Gicante is your Academic Advisor for studies at the MIWSFPA.
He prepared this video for the April open House:

Koreen McCullough is the Experiential Education Coordinator for the Faculty of Humanities.
Watch her 3 minute presentation about Experiential Education opportunities at Brock University:

The Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts

Located at 15 Artists’ Common in downtown St. Catharines, the MIWSFPA is home to four academic programs. We are right next door to the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre on the main street of St. Catharines, St. Paul.

Each program at the MIWSFPA is offering a special welcome to their students.  For example, if you are a beginning your studies as a major in Dramatic Arts, check out what that Department has scheduled for you and plan to join in the fun.  You are also welcome to join the activities of each program at the School even if you are only taking one course or beginning a minor program.  The activities and welcome messages from each program are listed below.

Professor David Vivian, of the Department of Dramatic Arts (he teaches design and production for theatre), is the Director of the School:

David will be hosting office hours on September 8, 2020, from 12-3:00 pm,on Teams.
Drop in and say hi! (click here)

We all wish you a very successful year at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts.

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