Register for this Spring’s DART 1F01 Acting for Non-Majors: It doesn’t get more intensive than this!

exterior-brock-downtown-campus-4-220xBeginning May 02, DART will be offering an intensive introduction to the basics of performance for Stage And Screen.

The content of DART 1F01 is designed specifically to be challenging but achievable for non-majors or for people working in a variety of professions. Class time is spent doing rigorous but enjoyable studio exercises that help participants develop their acting, creative, presentational, and interpersonal skills. Evaluation for the course involves daily short written assignments, in-studio evaluations of progress,  and collaborative presentations. There is no final exam for this course.

The course takes place at the beautiful downtown campus of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts.


for more information see:

Registration begins Monday, March 07! For more information contact:  [email protected]

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