Technical Theatre Job Opportunity in the Department of Dramatic Arts

miwsfpa-icon-220IATSE 01/2013 Theatre Technical Production Assistant, Department of Dramatic Arts (DART), Faculty of Humanities 

(closes Friday, July 19, 2013)

Reporting to the Production Manager and/or Technical Director, the Theatre Technical Production Assistant is responsible for providing the technical elements for departmental production and teaching, supporting teaching of technical production by instruction or lab demonstration, supervising and maintaining DART spaces, technical inventory and equipment, and coordinating and supervising students and hired technicians.

for more information and to apply please please see this page for the posting

download the posting in a PDF file

Inquiries about the job opportunity may be sent to the Production Manager, Brian Cumberland [email protected]

Inquiries about the Department and its programs may be sent to the Chair, Professor David Vivian [email protected]

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