Media releases

  • Half of all doctor’s appointments start late, but how can the problem be fixed?

    MEDIA RELEASE: 23 January 2018 – R00011

    As comedian Jerry Seinfeld says about doctor’s office waiting rooms: “There’s no chance of not waiting because they call it the waiting room. They’re going to use it.”

    In two separate studies that included data from more than 650 patients, researchers from Brock University’s Goodman School of Business discovered that around 50 per cent of doctor’s appointments start late. Most often, it was because the physician was running late, rather than the patients.

    Writing about their research recently in The Conversation, Brock Professor of Operations Management Kenneth Klassen and Associate Professor of Operations Management Reena Yoogalingam said the key to fixing the problem of late appointments could be better scheduling.

    “Scheduling would be easy if no one ever ran late,” the pair wrote about their research, which was originally completed in 2013 and 2014. “You could simply spread out the appointments evenly across the day. If treatments always take 10 minutes, then schedule one patient every 10 minutes.”

    The problem is, health care is unpredictable. Appointments sometimes take longer than expected, physicians get interrupted by emergencies, or a doctor or patient arrives late.

    Using simulation modelling from real-world data, Klassen and Yoogalingam’s research discovered creative scheduling could be the answer.

    The first method was to put appointments closer together at the beginning and the end of the day or work session, which keeps physicians busy, but spreads appointments farther apart in between. In this method, if a physician is working a session from 8 a.m. until a noon lunch break, appointments at the start of the day and just before noon might be scheduled eight or nine minutes apart while mid-morning appointments would be 11 or 12 minutes apart.

    The second approach is to book appointments closer together, but in clusters of two or three, with a bit of time in between each cluster. As the day unfolds, the time between appointments shrinks, but the time between clusters increases.

    “The clusters keep physicians busy. The spaces between clusters reduce patient waiting,” the researchers wrote in their Conversation piece which they co-authored with Brock colleague Michael Armstrong, Associate Professor of Operations Research.

    “By keeping physicians busy, effective appointment scheduling helps them see more patients per day. That increased capacity reduces the number of days patients must wait for their appointments,” they wrote.

    Professor of Operations Management Kenneth Klassen and Associate Professor of Operations Management Reena Yoogalingam are available for interviews on the topic.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock researchers create groundbreaking DNA reader for disease detection

    MEDIA RELEASE: 22 January 2018 – R00010

    A chemist and a parasite expert at Brock University have teamed up to produce and test out a simple device that can detect diseases from DNA samples. It’s a scaled-down version of what is normally an expensive and complicated DNA laboratory technique, yet it’s fast, inexpensive and accurate, making it ideal for use in developing countries.

    Brock University Assistant Professor of Chemistry Feng Li’s device consists of a strip of paper attached onto a glass slide. The paper contains several rows of what look like thermometers, lines with markings projecting out of bulb-like circles.

    DNA samples are loaded onto the circles and move up the lines, much like mercury rises in a thermometer.

    “Different concentrations of the genetic disease biomarkers in the samples would migrate different distances,” says Li. “So, all you need to do is read the distance they penetrate, just like you’d read a ruler.”

    Known as the quantitative paper-based DNA reader, each device costs only about 10 cents. They work with a scaled-down version of a traditionally expensive and complex DNA laboratory technique known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

    The PCR technique normally requires highly specialized equipment and expensive molecular probes. But Li’s device is able to read DNA samples through a PCR technique using simple technology and low-cost chemicals.

    “This is going to be extremely useful in resource-limited settings where you don’t have a lot of facilities to interpret the results,” says Li.

    One such setting is the National Autonomous University of Honduras, where Brock University Professor of Health Sciences Ana Sanchez runs an internationally-renowned research program focusing on parasites.

    She and her research team collected worms that had been expelled by children suspected of having soil-transmitted helminth infection, a disease affecting about 1.5 billion people worldwide and a major cause of childhood malnutrition and physical impairment.

    The researchers used the quantitative paper-based DNA reader to test the worms for helminth infection.

    “The results are beautiful; there’s no doubt that the system works,” says Sanchez.

    She applauds the speed and sensitivity of the device, saying that diagnostic techniques in developing countries are traditional, basic and rely on the expertise of the person observing the sample.

    Sanchez says the device goes beyond just a yes or no result by measuring the amount of genetic disease biomarkers in the DNA sample.

    “How many parasites is this child harbouring?” she says. “That tells you maybe their immune response and nutrition are impaired, that we’d need to consider if treatment needs to be ramped up, even if there could be a possibility of parasitic resistance.

    “The knowledge of parasitic burden of individuals and community will directly lead to public health interventions. What Feng has proven is that his invention works. We’re ready to bring it to the field.”

    The research team’s results are in their study “Paper-Based DNA Reader for Visualized Quantification of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections,” published Tuesday, Jan. 16 in the journal ACS Sensors. PhD student Alex Guan Wang and master’s student Tianyu Dong are the study’s first authors.

    An embeddable video about the new DNA reader can be found at

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases