Media releases

  • Brock research shows poor diet contributes to Alzheimer’s development

    MEDIA RELEASE: 5 July 2018 – R00137

    Brock University — Communications & Public Affairs

    New research from Brock University has shown the food decisions you make today could contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

    Brock research published recently in the journal Physiological Reports says a diet high in saturated fats and sucrose can lead to Alzheimer’s disease when paired with the normal aging process.

    Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behaviour, with symptoms worsening over time. Associated with aging, previous research has also linked the development of Alzheimer’s disease to diet-related obesity.

    Brock Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Rebecca MacPherson says her team’s latest research shows the impact that such a diet has on the “signaling pathways process” in which molecules in a cell work together to control one or more cell functions.

    “In this study we’re looking at the middle-aged group,” she says. “We’re examining how diet can alter signalling pathways in the brain at that point in time, early on before you’d see any symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.”

    The research team, which includes PhD student Kirsten Bott and master’s student Bradley Baranowski, also looked at how the high-fat, high-sucrose diet can bring about inflammation and changes to molecules in the brain, referred to as cellular stress.

    The team worked with two groups of middle-aged mice, feeding one group a high-fat, high-sugar diet and the other group, a normal diet.

    After 13 weeks, the researchers examined two areas of the mice brains: the hippocampus, responsible for long-term memory; and the prefrontal cortex, which regulates thinking, emotion and behaviour.

    The team compared the brains of the two groups of mice, as well as the middle-aged mice brains against those of the younger mice.

    The older mice brains showed more deterioration than the younger brains, suggesting that the normal aging process plays a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

    But there was a big difference between the brains of mice fed the high-fat, high-sugar diet compared to those eating a more well-balanced diet.

    “When we gave mice this high-fat, high-sugar diet, we saw exacerbated effects of aging on the different markers of inflammation, insulin signalling and cellular stress,” says Baranowski, the study’s lead author.

    He explains that the Western diet — typically low in fibre, fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains and high in red meat, dairy products and processed and artificially sweetened foods —  causes chronic, low-grade inflammation throughout the body.

    This results in the release of cytokines, small proteins that are important in cell signalling, but in this case act as markers for inflammation.

    These cytokines induced by low-grade inflammation “are able to pass the blood-brain barrier,” says Baranowski. These, in turn, activate other cells leading to more inflammation and insulin resistance in the brain.

    “The neuroinflammation and brain insulin resistance contribute to the increased activity of key enzymes responsible for producing the plaques you commonly see with Alzheimer’s disease,” he says.

    The research adds to basic understanding of the signalling pathways involved in Alzheimer’s, MacPherson says. Future work will examine what can impact these pathways.

    “People often view Alzheimer’s disease as a genetic disease when in fact, genetic mutations leading to Alzheimer’s accounts for less than five per cent of cases,” says Baranowski.

    “This study highlights that our lifestyle choices matter and can potentially be putting us at risk of developing or progressing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.”

    The team’s findings are outlined in their study, “Evaluation of neuropathological effects of a high‐fat high‐sucrose diet in middle‐aged male C57BL6/J mice,” published in the journal Physiological Reports.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

     * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

     Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock to play key role in new national grape and wine research cluster

    MEDIA RELEASE: 4 July 2018 – R00136

    For the first time, the Canadian grape and wine industry is coming together with the goal of strengthening the sector in a sustainable way.

    Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Lawrence MacAulay, announced Wednesday, July 4 a commitment of $8.4 million in funding to establish the Canadian Grape and Wine Science Cluster, a collaborative project which includes university researchers, grape growers and industry partners in Ontario, B.C., Quebec and Nova Scotia.

    The cluster will be overseen by the national grape and wine not-for-profit, Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN) which is working to advance the $9-billion industry with a sustainable supply of quality grapevine material.

    Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) will lead the research in Ontario and will be involved in additional research across the country, said CCOVI Director Debbie Inglis.

    “In the past, we’ve had lots of regional programs, but this is the first time we’ve been able to jointly come together with a funded project on a national level to support issues of national importance to the grape and wine industry,” she said.

    Inglis pointed out that this project — to be called Fostering Sustainable Growth of the Canadian Grape and Wine Sector — is also unique because it was driven by the industry, with the CGCN applying for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) funding.

    “Research plays an important role in the continuous enhancement of the quality of grapes and wine and the reduction of the environmental footprint of the entire production cycle,” said Hans Buchler, Chair of the CGCN. “We’re grateful for the investment that the Government of Canada and Minister MacAulay provided toward the ongoing success of the Canadian grape and wine sector.”

    Matthias Oppenlaender, Chair of Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc. and the Grape Growers of Ontario (GGO), said the announcement Wednesday is “a culmination of many years of hard work and collaboration with the GGO, Wine Council of Ontario and Winery Grower Alliance of Ontario.”

    “Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc. welcomes the opportunity to partner with and invest in the CGCN’s Grape and Wine Science Cluster,” he said. “This research is vital to the growth and profitability of the grape and wine industry.”

    Brock University President Gervan Fearon praised the government’s decision, and said he is “extremely pleased” to have Brock’s world-class grape and wine institute play a crucial role for the new scientific cluster.

    “Brock is committed to contributing to making Canada’s communities and industries stronger, healthier and more sustainable,” he said. “Professor Inglis and her CCOVI team of scientists have spent years working closely in support of the grape and wine sector, and are perfectly positioned to help make this investment a significant success for the Canadian industry.”

    Prior to making the funding announcement Wednesday at the Niagara-on-the-Lake grape growing farm of Huebel Grapes Estates, managed by Oppenlaender, Minister MacAulay toured the CCOVI laboratories at Brock University and met with researchers and students.

    “The funding we announced today will help increase innovation and sustainability in Canada’s wine and grape sector,” he said. “I was also pleased to have the opportunity to meet with student researchers from the University, who represent the next generation of Canada’s grape growers and winemakers, and will play a key role in ensuring the future prosperity of the sector.”

    In addition to the $8.4 million in government funding, the grape and wine industry will also contribute $3.7 million in cash and in-kind donations toward the research project.

    Inglis said Wednesday’s announcement shows “the federal government’s clear support of our national priorities for a sustainable grape and wine industry.”

    “CCOVI is excited to work with our research colleagues across the country to help ensure the continued growth and sustainability of the Canadian grape and wine industry,” she said.

    The Brock CCOVI-based research, with industry cash support provided by Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc., will focus on five areas including:

    • Understanding the impact and management of grapevine diseases in Ontario.
    • Improving red wine quality and consumer acceptance through CCOVI’s TanninAlert program.
    • Grapevine cold hardiness evaluation to improve the sustainability of the Canadian grape and wine industry.
    • Improving sparkling and still wine quality with natural Canadian indigenous yeast.
    • Vineyard pest management.

    To complete this work, six Brock-based researchers and scientists will collaborate with 13 of their research colleagues from across Canada.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases