Media releases

  • Brock receives nearly $1 million in CIHR research funding

    MEDIA RELEASE: 12 July 2018 – R00141

    Lack of exercise, poor diet, obesity, smoking and high blood pressure are some of the known factors that lead to heart attacks down the road. But does a toxic childhood environment lead to heart disease?

    With Project Grant funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) announced this week, a Brock University-led research team is studying the relationship between early indicators of cardiovascular disease in young adults and adverse childhood experiences such as maltreatment, dysfunctional family life, severe bullying and other traumas.

    Professor of Health Sciences Terrance Wade says his six-member group is breaking new ground.

    “We’re finding that traditional factors for cardiovascular disease, such as lifestyle and behaviours, are not explaining this relationship,” says Wade. “We’re thinking it’s more of a link between young adults’ psychosocial mechanisms and their physiologies.”

    The research builds on earlier studies that measured blood pressure, heart rate and other heart-related indicators in a group of 552 children aged 10 to 14 years old. Researchers also gathered information on the children’s lifestyles, behaviours and other psychosocial measures.

    To date, 76 of these participants have had their heart health re-measured in the last year now that they are 18 years of age and older.

    Preliminary results showed that young people who experienced more adverse childhood events had arteries that were more rigid and less able to react to blood pressure changes than young people whose childhoods were more stable.

    The results also showed increased markers of inflammation in the blood of young adults who had adverse childhoods.

    This latest CIHR award will enable the researchers to expand the number of participants from the pilot study to take a close look at how both inflammation and psychosocial factors such as self-esteem, resilience, depression, anxiety and others lay the groundwork for pre-clinical indicators of heart disease.

    “We’re looking at whether chronic inflammation states might be induced by adverse experiences early in life and how that might set the stage for the kinds of physiological changes that can result in cardiovascular-related problems,” says team member Adam MacNeil, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences.

    “The findings from this research will provide valuable information as to the detrimental impact that adverse childhood experiences have on cardiovascular health,” says Professor of Health Sciences Deborah O’Leary, who is co-leading the study and will be measuring blood pressure, blood flow and other aspects of the cardiovascular system.

    Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies Danielle Sirianni Molnar says she is excited that the transdisciplinary group will “use multiple methods and draw on expertise from diverse fields of study that reflects the biopsychosocial model of health.”

    Other team members include John Cairney from the University of Toronto and Jennifer McGrath from Concordia University.

    The team’s research, “How Do Negative Childhood Experiences Influence Cardiovascular Health Among Young Adults?” is one of two initiatives CIHR awarded to Brock University for a total of $960,076 in funding.

    Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Karen Patte also received Project Grant funding for her work on youth mental health.

    “CIHR’s investment in these two research projects shows how Brock researchers are making a difference in the world around them,” says Brock Vice-President, Research Tim Kenyon. “Brock research team leaders and members, along with their colleagues at other institutions, are providing insight into some of the most urgent and profound health challenges confronting our youth.”

    With a previous CIHR grant, Patte and her team developed and tested mental health tools for a larger project, the COMPASS system, headed by Scott Leatherdale at the University of Waterloo. The tools were incorporated into the COMPASS study in the 2017-18 school year, collecting mental health data from more than 70,000 Grade 9 through 12 students in 100 secondary schools in Ontario, Alberta, Quebec, British Columbia and Nunavut.

    In the newly funded project titled “Addressing Youth Mental Health in the COMPASS System,” Patte and the research team will continue to follow students and schools for three additional years, providing data on youth mental health and relevant school programs, policies and resources.

    “Despite greater attention, we still know little about what works for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health and resiliency, nor how different contexts impact the effectiveness of interventions” Patte says.

    By embedding the tools within COMPASS, the team will also be able to study how mental health relates to students’ substance use, physical activity, screen time, diet, bullying, academic achievement and the other areas addressed in the larger project.

    “We then feed this information back into schools for the continual improvement of youth mental health and schools’ ability to support their students,” says Patte.

    CIHR’s Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential to advance health-related fundamental or applied knowledge, health research, healthcare, health systems and health outcomes.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock Chancellor launches Indigenous film festival

    MEDIA RELEASE: 12 July 2018 – R00140

    A strong lineup of films from around the world will highlight a new Indigenous-focused event this weekend on Manitoulin Island.

    The Weengushk International Film Festival (WIFF), a joint venture between Weengushk Film Institute (WFI) and Brock University, was created to highlight Indigenous talent including actors, writers, directors and filmmakers from around the world.

    It was created by WFI founder and Brock Chancellor Shirley Cheechoo to explore Indigenous topics while breaking down stereotypes and racial barriers. WIFF creates an important venue where emerging talents and varying perspectives can be exposed to audiences, and where people can become educated about First Nations, Métis and Inuit issues in Canada and around the world.

    “I am proud that our people have a new platform to showcase their work and for all cultures to come together and share in this wonderful opportunity celebrating community and film,” said Cheechoo, an acclaimed filmmaker, writer, director and artist who has dedicated herself to highlighting and promoting Indigenous voices through film and bringing cultures together in the north.

    WIFF opens Friday, July 13 and will wrap up with a closing gala Sunday, July 15 at Aundeck Omni Kaning’s Four Directions Complex on Manitoulin Island.

    A wide range of films will be screened from emerging and experienced filmmakers, including feature, documentary and student films. These short student films include works from graduates of the Brock Certificate in Film Production and Television Production that are offered at Weengushk.

    The internationally acclaimed film Wind River opens the festival. The lineup also includes the award-winning documentary Rumble and closes with the powerful Canadian film Indian Horse.

    In addition to Cheechoo and Brock University President Gervan Fearon being in attendance, VIPs include Brenda Lintinger, a Tunica-Buloxi Council member, whose tribe helped produce Wind River, acclaimed filmmaker Jennifer Podemski, filmmaker and actor Nathaniel Arcand and Juno award winning singer/songwriter Crystal Shawanda.

    For more information, visit the WIFF website at

    WIFF Media contacts:

    Ellie Poirier, 705-377-6011,

    Gloria Panacheese, 705.923.8988,

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases