Media releases

  • Book publishing division launched by Brock’s Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture

    MEDIA RELEASE: 3 May 2019 – R00076

    Brock’s Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture (STAC) has partnered with The Salon für Kunstbuch in Austria to launch an international book publishing division.

    The new Small Walker Press will celebrate the publication of its first two books at an official launch event on Thursday, May 9 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event will take place in the main lobby of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (MIWSFPA) at 15 Artists’ Common in downtown St. Catharines.

    This year’s books were published under the theme of environmental degradation and include Inland, by Associate Professor of Visual Arts Shawn Serfas with creative writing by Atlanta-based New York Times journalist Richard Fausset and an essay by Associate Professor of Visual Arts Derek Knight, and The Quarry, by Associate Professor Adam Dickinson and artist Lorène Bourgeois.

    Noelle Allen, Publisher for Hamilton-based literary press Wolsak and Wynn, will be the guest speaker for the event.

    The launch is free and all are encouraged to attend.

    “The University is the ideal place to promote book culture,” said STAC Director Catherine Parayre. “Working with different authors and artists to bring about the completion of a book project is a fully interdisciplinary challenge that is rewarding intellectually, but also a wonderful opportunity to work with expert graphic designers.”

    Headed by STAC, the Small Walker Press addresses the research and creative interests of faculty members at Brock’s MIWSFPA and engages with authors, artists and academics alike to produce small, innovative publications.

    Funded by the generous support of the Walker Cultural Leader Series and the late Marilyn I. Walker, the press publishes collaborative work that brings together authors and artists from the Niagara region, as well as those across Canada and internationally.

    Parayre and Knight serve as its editors; Bernhard Cella, from The Salon für Kunstbuch in Vienna, Austria, is the press’s book designer.

    Inland provides two distinct reflections on pollution and the consequences of human intervention on natural resources. It features work created by Serfas for his 2016 exhibition Inland, curated by Stuart Reid at Rodman Hall Art Centre, and creative writing by Fausset, whose work includes extensive coverage of the devastating environmental and socio-economic impacts of Hurricane Katrina.

    The Quarry offers a reflection on a walk that Dickinson and Bourgeois embarked upon through the Glenridge Quarry Naturalization Site on the Niagara Escarpment in 2018. Dickinson contributes a poem for the book, which is accompanied by drawings by Bourgeois.

    “We are very much looking forward to sharing these books with the public at the launch on May 9,” Parayre said.

    The Small Walker Press is predicated on, and values, interdisciplinary co-operation, the exploration of image and text, and seeks to contribute to and participate in the promotion of book culture.

    Publications will include exhibition catalogues, artist’s books, chapbooks, short essay format and creative writing as well as online art folios or editions, and recorded sound work or interviews.

    Publications may be in English, French or other languages and books will be available for purchase at the launch.

    They will also be available at Rodman Hall Art Centre, the Brock Campus Store, and The Salon für Kunstbuch in Vienna, Austria.

    Learn more about the Small Walker Press by visiting the STAC website.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock launches Canada’s first concurrent MBA MPH degree program

    MEDIA RELEASE: 3 May 2019 – R00075

    Starting this fall, Brock University is launching Canada’s first Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Public Health (MPH) concurrent degree program.

    Offered through the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences and the Goodman School of Business, the two-year program will help develop tomorrow’s health leaders providing students with a strong foundation in both management and public health.

    “The MBA MPH blends the best of business and public health education,” says Goodman Dean Andrew Gaudes. “The need for public health officials to have solid business backgrounds is becoming more and more important, and Brock is looking to fill that gap with this program that is relevant to today’s health administration environment.”

    During the first year of the program, students will be on campus taking core MBA courses. For the second year, students will take MPH courses delivered online.

    “Brock’s MPH and MBA graduate programs are both internationally recognized,” says Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Dean Peter Tiidus. “Both programs overlap in extremely relevant and timely ways.

    “Taking an interdisciplinary approach to launch Canada’s first concurrent MBA and MPH degree program means we can offer a well-rounded approach to learning about public health administration.”

    The program also includes a mandatory six-month internship offered through the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.

    “Current health innovations are dynamic and ever-changing,” says MPH Graduate Program Director Brent Faught. “We have a civil responsibility to prepare our graduates not just for the careers of today, but the vocations of the future in public health management. The practical experience gained through the MPH internship helps to keep our students a step ahead.”

    The MBA MPH program also addresses the challenges of providing optimal care in a manner that is operationally self-sustainable, says Goodman’s Graduate Program Director Carrie Kelly.

    “This program will generate personal and professional fulfilment for our students and respond to the growing need for graduates who can lead the charge in re-imagining management in public health,” she added.

    More information on the program can be found on the Goodman website.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases