Media releases

  • CCOVI tackling climate change challenges with research vineyards

    MEDIA RELEASE – 28 August 2019 – R00136

    Two research vineyards filled with thousands of grapevines are being used by Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) to help Canada’s grape growers and wineries.

    CCOVI partnered with two commercial grape growers to plant the St. Catharines and Niagara-on-the-Lake vineyards that are being used for a clone and rootstock evaluation program of the main VQA grapevine varieties in Ontario.

    “We are looking at the best plant material for Ontario’s industry, not only now, but moving forward with climate change uncertainties,” said Jim Willwerth, CCOVI Senior Scientist. “Cold hardiness, fruit composition, wine quality and general vine performance will be examined, so that the industry knows the best combinations to use for our core grape varieties.”

    Since July 2018, more than 4,000 vines have been planted between the two vineyards. One vineyard has a heavier clay soil and the other sandy soil to represent different vineyard conditions found in Ontario. There are five different grapevine varieties and up to 16 clone and rootstock combinations for each grape variety.

    Planting was initially delayed because it was difficult to get certified disease-free and true to type grapevines in Canada. Starting with healthy, clean plant material is critical for this project to evaluate the best performing plant material under Ontario conditions.

    “For the research we are doing there is no sense planting dirty or infected vines. Clean vines are difficult to get, so we had to wait an extra year to make sure we had clean vines to plant,” said Bill Schenck, one of the commercial grape growers involved. “When you are planting a vineyard, the initial cost of grapevines is rather cheap compared to costs to manage the grapevines in the years that follow. Considering the length of time the grapes are in the ground, you want to make sure you are starting off on the right foot.”

    After an exhaustive search, certified clean plant material was sourced three years ago from outside Canada. Half of the certified grapevines were planted in July in collaboration with Huebel Grapes Estates and the support of Schenck and another grape grower, Erwin Wiens, who are each allowing the use of two acres of their land. The other half were planted last July.

    Planting and management of the research vineyards was funded through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Collaborate Research and Development grant program in partnership with Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc.

    “The material is all certified, so we know these vines are true to type and are healthy,” said Willwerth. “The Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN) is now working tirelessly to establish a domestic clean plant program and this is extremely important so that growers can access clean materials from nurseries so they know the vines they are planting are the healthiest and are going to be as productive as possible.”

    Plant performance outputs from this research trial will inform CGCN of the grapevine combinations that should enter the domestic clean plant program.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Britt Dixon, Communications Officer, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4471

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Experts available to discuss back-to-school issues

    Media Release: 27 August 2019 – R00135

    The end of summer means big changes to the schedules of parents, children and teachers.

    The start of the school year brings with it a variety of interesting topics for discussion. Brock University has numerous experts available to be interviewed by the media covering a range of subjects.

    Karen Patte, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, studies a wide array of issues related to mental and physical health in youth, with a special emphasis on adolescent sleep.

    Patte says sleep has traditionally taken a back seat to the focus on physical activity or screen use, yet her team’s recent research found sleep to be the most consistent predictor of youth mental health and depressive symptoms.

    “To support their continuing development, youth aged 14 to 17 are advised to get an average of eight to 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night,” she says. “However, more than one-third of adolescents fall short of this guideline. We see a consistent decline in sleep duration as students advance in age and grade over high school.”

    Patte recommends practising healthy sleep hygiene, such as avoiding stimulating activities before bed, and maintaining consistent bed and wake times. She also says education officials should consider delaying school start times to support students in getting enough sleep.

    Louis Volante, Professor of Education, who researches migrant integration policies and social inequality in education, encourages parents and education officials to take a number of actions that would help immigrant students adjust well to a new education system.

    These include:

    • Clearly communicating language and special programming provisions with parents and students so they understand new school routines, expectations and “out of school” strategies for parents to support their child.
    • Teachers becoming familiar with new immigrant groups that may include cultural customs they aren’t familiar with and extenuating circumstances, such as parent-child separation and trauma from exposure to war, among others.
    • Conducting diagnostic assessments for all children, especially new immigrant students, to ensure programming is appropriate.

    Volante says education officials should pay particular attention to ‘streaming’ practices that begin when students enter high school.

    “Immigrant students are disproportionately streamed into lower academic tracks, lower ability tracks, which sort of closes that opportunity for post-secondary education,” he says. “So, we need to be really aware of the options available to those students and where they’re directed.”

    Michael Holmes, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and a Canada Research Chair in Neuromuscular Mechanics and Ergonomics, says parents should stop worrying about the long-rumoured risk of backpacks ruining the back health of children.

    Holmes says there is little evidence to support links between backpack use and back pain or damage.

    “My philosophy is that, for the most part, as a parent you don’t have to worry too much about it,” he says. “If a backpack has a reasonable amount of weight in it and fits correctly, children are not wearing it long enough for long-term damage to occur.”

    Holmes recommends purchasing properly-fitting and high-quality backpacks over shoulder bags, messenger bags or purses.

    He suggests:

    • A good backpack should have a waist strap, wide, padded shoulder straps, a padded pack and compartments so weight can be evenly distributed.
    • The pack should be light when empty, have reflective strips for added safety and be proportional to the size of the person.
    • Parents should encourage the pack to be worn properly with both shoulder straps, encourage children not to overload the bag and stay generally active.

    Patte, Volante and Holmes are available for in-person and phone interviews.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases