Media releases

  • Peter Mansbridge to share stories of extraordinary Canadians during online event

    MEDIA RELEASE: 7 January 2021 – R0001

    One of Canada’s most recognizable figures will kick off a new year of free webinars offered by the Goodman School of Business at Brock University.

    Renowned former CBC News anchor Peter Mansbridge will join Goodman Dean Andrew Gaudes to discuss stories of Canadians who have overcome adversity and made a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

    “Extraordinary Canadians: An interview with Peter Mansbridge” will take place Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 11 a.m. as part of the free Business Breathers webinar series facilitated by Goodman Group, the Goodman School of Business’ community-focused learning and development services provider.

    “It’s an honour to speak with Peter about his experiences as one of Canada’s most respected journalists,” said Gaudes. “As a witness to ordinary Canadians brought to extraordinary acts of courage, kindness and compassion, Peter is sure to inspire as we reflect on the events of 2020 and look toward 2021 with renewed hope and optimism.”

    Mansbridge is an award-winning journalist, a Distinguished Fellow of the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, and a member of numerous boards and committees.

    He is best known for his five decades of work at the CBC, where he spent 30 years as Chief Correspondent for CBC News and anchor of The National, CBC Television’s flagship nightly newscast.

    Mansbridge has received more than a dozen national awards for broadcast excellence and is the recipient of 13 honorary doctorates. He was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and is an Officer of the Order of Canada, the country’s highest civilian honour.

    He is currently President of Manscorp Media Services and is the host of The Bridge, a weekly podcast that explores trends in politics and journalism. His new book, Extraordinary Canadians: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation, debuted at No. 1 on The Globe and Mail’s bestsellers list in November.

    Everyone is welcome to attend Business Breathers webinars, which feature industry and faculty expert discussions as well as interactive Q&As with registrants. Topics focus on leadership, management and innovation, along with the economic and social impact of trending issues.

    Interested participants are asked to register online. A confirmation email will provide a Lifesize link to access the webinar at the date and time it is planned. 

    Upcoming Business Breathers:

    Extraordinary Canadians
    An interview with Peter Mansbridge, former CBC News anchor and Chief Correspondent
    Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 11 a.m.

    University management in the time of COVID
    A presentation by Lynn Wells, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Brock University
    Wednesday, Jan. 27 at 11 a.m.

    History or retail: Would anyone go to a store again?
    An interview with Deepak Chopra, former President and CEO of Canada Post
    Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 11 a.m.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

     * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970


    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock prepared as province-wide lockdown is announced

    MEDIA RELEASE: 21 December 2020 – R0191

    Further steps to limit the spread of COVID-19 were announced by the Ontario government on Monday, Dec. 21 with a provincewide lockdown coming later this week.

    Effective Saturday, Dec. 26, the Niagara region will join the rest of the province in moving into a lockdown under Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework. This will be effective for at least 28 days until Friday, Jan. 22.

    Brock University had previously announced it was moving into Stage 2 of its own Stages of Response and Recovery plan effective at 12:01 a.m. Monday to align with the government moving Niagara region into the Red (Control) classification.

    With Niagara being moved into the lockdown classification, Brock will move into its Stage 1 effective Thursday, Dec. 24 at noon. This will further impact a number of areas as the University modifies its operations to abide by public health guidelines. These include:

    • All classes will move online, with the exception of a small number of programs allowed under the provincial framework. This exception will primarily affect Brock’s Nursing program, though other affected programs may be communicated to students by Deans. As a result, most Brock students will begin the Winter Term online and remain online-only until further notice.
    • For those students who had on-campus classes on their timetable in the Winter Term, instructors will be in touch to provide further information.
    • Indoor social gatherings are not permitted, and outdoor social gatherings are limited to 10 people, provided physical distancing can be maintained. All meeting and event spaces are closed.
    • Food service at Guernsey Market will now be takeout only. Indoor dining is suspended until further notice.
    • University residences will continue to operate as planned, with the current mitigation measures such as significantly reduced occupancy and the no guest policy continuing.
    • Further, residence students must leave by noon the day following their last exam, or by noon Wednesday, Dec 23, whichever comes first, and may return after noon on Sunday, Jan. 3.
    • The James A. Gibson Library is only open for contactless curbside delivery and pickup. Study space is closed.
    • The Computer Commons is closed.
    • The Campus Store is open for online sales only with shipping available.
    • All sports and recreation facilities are closed.
    • Only time-sensitive research will be permitted. For the latest guidance on research access and the impact moving to Grey will have, please visit the Brock Coronavirus FAQ for research.

    As announced by the provincial government Monday, the lockdown will remain in effect until at least Friday, Jan. 22. With Brock’s Winter Term classes starting on Monday, Jan. 11, updates will be provided on changes as virtually all classes will begin the Term online and remain there until further notice.

    Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to monitor their email, and Brock social media accounts for further updates on Niagara’s designation and any impact it may have on Brock.

    For more information about Brock’s COVID-19 measures, please visit

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

     * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases