Contact us

The Brock University Department of Physics is located on the 200 level of Mackenzie Chown B Block.

Thad A. Harroun
Professor and Departmental Chair
Mackenzie Chown B201
905 688 5550 x5905

Courtney Lee
Administrative Coordinator
Mackenzie Chown B210
905 688 5550 x3412

Maureen Reedyk
Graduate Program Director
Mackenzie Chown B205
905 688 5550 x3877

About Us

The people of this Physics Department are engaged in experimental and theoretical research, primarily in the fields of solid-state physics, materials science, biophysics and theoretical physics. We are dedicated to high-quality teaching, at both undergraduate and graduate level (we offer B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees). Our small-size classes, hands-on laboratories, and individual student undergraduate research projects provide our graduates with excellent problem-solving skills. We collaborate with physicists all over the world and are involved in the community at large.

Google map of the Brock University Campus