Undergraduate Programs

As the cornerstone of many scientific disciplines, a degree in Mathematics and Statistics from Brock opens many doors in the future.

Why Study Mathematics?

Mathematics plays an integral role in many aspects of our society. It is a cornerstone of such scientific disciplines as physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, and computer science, as well as the areas of economics and business. In a degree program in mathematics, you will have the opportunity to develop the quantitative and analytical skills required in a diverse field of employment and educational opportunities.

Many students who obtain an undergraduate degree in mathematics continue on to graduate work, either studying mathematics for enjoyment in its own right, or for its application to a particular field or problem. However, many career options are available for mathematics graduates at all levels.

Why study statistics?

In today’s data driven world, organizations (like companies, governments of any level, NGOs, etc.)  need to make informed decisions. They employ statisticians to help make sense of the large datasets they collect.  The problem is not a lack of data, but a lack of people with the background necessary to make meaningful use of such data.

Studying statistics gives students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and can allow students to potentially assist with research in diverse disciplines such as economics, sports, meteorology and public health. Statistical methods can also be used in many different fields to make predictions for future trends. With such skills in high demand in numerous specializations, there career options for a trained statistician are nearly limitless.

“The sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. Because now we really do have essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary factor is the ability to understand that data and extract value from it”

Hal Varian, Chief Economist Google.


Why Brock?

  • The Brock Department for Mathematics & Statistics is a research intensive department with one of the highest rates of NSERC grant holding faculty at Brock
  • Brock faculty have experience in teaching talented students in mathematics by running an advanced math camp, being the origin of the international Caribou Mathematics Competition, and through supervision of high achieving mentorship students
  • A relatively small department and the limited number of students in various programs create a very personal and independent learning experience

The BSc Honours in Mathematics and Statistics is a flexible program designed to meet a wide range of interests. There are core courses in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, probability and statistics, as well as the use of computers to explore and solve mathematical problems. Students also have the opportunity to complete an honours project or thesis under the supervision of a faculty member

Within this program, students have the option to select a specialized concentration in one of five areas: Applied Mathematics; Pure Mathematics; Mathematics Integrated with Computers and Applications; Mathematics Education; and Statistics.

The Concentration in Applied Mathematics program is designed for students who want a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics and computing along with exposure to modern topics like mathematics of networks, dynamical systems, cryptography, soliton theory, and mathematical physics. Graduates of this program will be able to pursue a variety of jobs in industries such as energy,aerospace and telecommunications, health/medical technology, mathematical software, and also will be well prepared to undertake graduate studies in applied mathematics or computational science or mathematical physics.

The Concentration in Mathematics Education program is for the modern teacher who wants to harness the technology that is transforming the teaching and learning of mathematics in the twenty-first century. Graduates of this program will answer the Ontario government’s call for mathematics educators who are experts in teaching with a variety of technological tools. Future teachers will obtain a strong background in traditional mathematics such as calculus, algebra and geometry, and also will study the historical and contemporary contributions of mathematics to civilization. In addition, students will learn how technology can be used to create interactive learning environments, to model the real world, and to visualize information. This unique program provides several courses designed specifically for future mathematics teachers.

The Concentration in Mathematics Integrated with Computers and Applications (MICA) program, focusing on technology, is ideal for students desiring careers in the application of mathematics to science, industry and finance. Graduates of this program have gone on to obtain Masters degrees in areas such as finance and computational mathematics. Students receive a solid grounding in mathematical theory and also learn how to use computer and information technology to apply and present what they have learned. The core of the MICA program consists of MATH 1P40, 2P40 and 3P40 in which students confront real world problems requiring them to create mathematical models and run computer simulations. In solving such problems, students are encouraged to develop their own strategies for using the best combination of mathematics and computing.

The Concentration in Pure Mathematics program provides students with breadth and depth of knowledge of concepts, methodologies, techniques and aptitudes needed to become a professional mathematician. In addition to the core courses required by all concentrations, it includes advanced courses in central areas of algebra and analysis, as well as choice of electives in mathematical specialties of particular interest to the students. Suited for those who intend to pursue further studies in pure or applied mathematics as it includes foundational courses commonly required for admission to graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. Also serves those joining the work force through the development of logical reasoning, computational preferences, analytical and problem-solving skills and creative thinking.

The Concentration in Statistics program gives a student the opportunity to prepare for advanced study of statistics. Mathematical statistics theory and practical applications of statistical inferences, statistical models, stochastic models, experimental design, sampling and other methods. Development of the student’s abilities in logical reasoning, creative thinking, problem solving, case studies and computation skills. Application of statistical knowledge to many areas, such as actuarial science, biological science, business, economics, education, engineering, agriculture and public health. After graduation, students can advance to graduate studies, or find jobs with employers such as Statistics Canada, hospitals, financial institutions, insurance companies and various business.

Why study statistics?

In today’s data driven world, organizations (like companies, governments of any level, NGOs, etc.)  need to make informed decisions. They employ statisticians to help make sense of the large datasets they collect.  The problem is not a lack of data, but a lack of people with the background necessary to make meaningful use of such data.

Studying statistics gives students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and can allow students to potentially assist with research in diverse disciplines such as economics, sports, meteorology and public health. Statistical methods can also be used in many different fields to make predictions for future trends. With such skills in high demand in numerous specializations, there career options for a trained statistician are nearly limitless.

“The sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. Because now we really do have essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary factor is the ability to understand that data and extract value from it”

Hal Varian, Chief Economist Google.

For a current list of our undergraduate programs, see the Brock admissions website.

The Accelerated Mathematics Studies stream – a personalized program for exceptional students (AMS) at Brock University is a unique mathematics stream that provides advanced students with the opportunity to complete a degree in mathematics in just three years. Students who have invested significant extracurricular time to their mathematics education, in the form of after hours schools, specialized math programs, math camps or math contests, may continue their mathematics studies at an accelerated pace, making the AMS program an exciting alternative to traditional mathematics programs.


  • The BSc major program is completed in three years instead of four years and thus allows for a faster start to a student’s career (academic or professional)
  • Up to one year less of university tuition and associated fees and expenses
  • The AMS stream gives the opportunity to study with similarly minded students, in an academically inspiring atmosphere.
  • No need to present credits from a program like IB, AP or CLEP

Criteria for Admission

  • Submission of a Written Personal Statement electronically to [email protected] describing the motivations to join the accelerated stream and the personal aptitudes and experiences conducive to success in the program.
  • Submission of a Mathematical Activities Portfolio completed in addition to high school studies (e.g., participation in mathematics contests, extra-curricular mathematical training programs, independent studies, home schooling, work or related professional development, math camps, math projects at science fairs, AP level credits in mathematics, etc.). This is to be submitted electronically to [email protected]
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and minimum six 4U or 4M level credits (or equivalent).
  • Required 4U subjects: exceptional average in Advanced Functions (MHF4U) and Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) (or equivalent), or an equivalent amount of material studied in home schooling courses. Applicants with an average of at least 95% in these two courses automatically qualify for the admission interview and the entrance examination. For applicants with average of at least 90% in the two 4U mathematics courses (or equivalent courses), permission to proceed with the admission interview and the entrance examination shall depend on the quality of the Written Personal Statement and the content of the Mathematical Activities Portfolio.
  • Passing an entrance examination (including written communication skills and mathematical proficiency).
  • Passing an admission interview (face-to-face or by video conferencing) aimed at assessing if the applicant has adequate knowledge and skills as well as the ability to study independently.
  • Strongly recommended subject: English (ENG4U) or equivalent.

How to Apply

Please consult our Application Guidelines prior to applying.

To apply to the Accelerated Mathematics Study stream, you have to apply for undergraduate studies at Brock University. See this page at the Registrar’s Office for further information. When applying via OUAC, make sure you choose:  (OUAC code: BJ) BSc Honours Math & Stats – Accelerated Mathematics Studies

Please then send your AMS Application Form, Written Personal Statement and Mathematical Activities Portfolio in Microsoft Word or PDF format directly to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics via email at: [email protected]

Deadline for submission of the AMS Application Form, Written Personal Statement and Mathematical Activities Portfolio and guaranteed consideration: February 5. Documents will continue to be accepted after this deadline, however admission consideration will be subject to space availability.

Contact Information

  • Questions related to the content of the Accelerated Mathematics program should be directed to: [email protected]
  • Questions related to the admission process should be directed to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I complete this stream on a part-time basis?
    No, it must be completed full time in an accelerated fashion.
  • What kind of career can I have with a Mathematics degree?
    There are a wide variety of career options for someone with a BSc in Mathematics. The website We Use Math details many different job opportunities that require proficiency in Mathematics. These careers are among the highest paid salaries available to university graduates. Please see recent articles in Time Magazine and The Toronto Star.
  • Do I need AP, CLEP or International Baccalaureate credits to accelerate my studies?
    No. Students are assessed on their mathematical abilities via an interview and their portfolio of extracurricular mathematics activities. The program is designed for very gifted mathematics students who are strong independent learners who have participated in a variety of mathematics enrichment activities.
  • How can I manage to take seven or eight credits each year?
    Students will be individually assessed and a personalized plan to complete the BSc degree program in three years will be created for each student. For their elective and context credits, AMS students will take traditional courses offered by the university. For their math credits, some courses will be taken normally, while others will be taken as reading courses to allow for greater flexibility for students to work on at their own pace, especially if they already possess the skills and knowledge of a particular course from their extracurricular mathematics activities.
  • What happens if I start AMS and decide it’s not for me?
    A student can simply transfer into the standard four year BSc stream at any time if they wish to.
  • What happens if I want to take a term off?
    Students in the AMS are required to complete the coursework in three years. In the event of illness or other extenuating circumstances, they can work closely with their Faculty mentor for a solution to the issue. If a term off is needed, a student will have to transfer into the standard four year BSc stream.
  • Do I need to make a separate application to the Brock Department of Mathematics and Statistics?
    Gaining entry to our program involves multiple steps. Apply via OUAC (www.ouac.on.ca), choose (OUAC code: BH), and select the accelerated option from the Subject of Major Interest drop-down box.Send your AMS application, letter of intent and portfolio of mathematics activities to the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. If you qualify, we’ll arrange an interview and entrance examination time.
  • I live far from St. Catharines, Ontario. Is it possible for me to be interviewed without making an expensive trip to Brock?
    Absolutely. The interview does not have to be done in person and can be done via Skype.
  • What if you decide I am not eligible for the Accelerated Mathematics Studies stream?
    As long as you meet minimum entry requirements for the regular BSc Mathematics (non-accelerated program), and you have not indicated a second choice on your application, we will automatically offer you the non-accelerated option.

Other Undergraduate Program Options

  • Co-op Program in MICA: for students who want to gain valuable work experience during their undergraduate career. Available for both MICA and MICA (Concentration: Statisitcs) programs.
  • BSc/BEd Concurrent Programs: for students interested in mathematics education. Concurrent BSc/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) Mathematics and BSc Integrated Studies/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) programs are available.
  • Combined Major Program: for students interested in combining a mathematics major with another major from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, or Physics.
  • Minor Program: for students majoring in another discipline, but who would like to incorporate a minor in Mathematics, or a minor in either Elementary Teaching Mathematics or Secondary Teaching Mathematics (for furture teachers).

Many students who obtain an undergraduate degree in mathematics continue on to graduate work, either studying mathematics for enjoyment in its own right, or for its application to a particular field or problem. However, many career options are available for mathematics graduates at all levels. Some examples of potential careers are:

  • Actuary
  • Biostatistician
  • College or University Professor
  • Mathematician
  • Stockbroker
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Cryptanalyst
  • Statistician
  • Teacher
  • Mathematical Physicist
  • Engineer
  • Computer Scientist
  • Urban Planner
  • Economist
  • Credit Risk Analyst
  • Forensic Analyst
  • Computational Biologist
  • Architect
  • Foreign Exchange Trader
  • Quantitative Financial Market Analyst
  • Cost Estimator
  • Inventory Control Specialist
  • Fraud Risk Analyst
  • Epidemiologist

MATH 4F90 is the 4th-year Honours Thesis Project course, in which you will work with a supervisor on a project in the area of pure or applied math, mathematics education, or statistics. This course is open to mathematics or combined mathematics majors who meet the course requirements. Potential supervisors and associated topics are provided below.

Ejaz AhmedHigh dimensional data analysis, model selection, pretest and shrinkage estimation, multivariate and regression analysis, meta-analysis
Stephen AncoSolitons; Nonlinear Waves; General Relativity and Mathematical Physics; Differential Equations.
Chantal ButeauMathematics Education; Mathematical Music Theory
Henryk FuksTheory and applications of spatially-extended discrete dynamical systems
Omar KihelCryptography; Graph Theory
Yuanlin LiStudy of small squalling property of finite groups, Zero-sum problems, Coding theory, group rings and their applications.
William MarshallComputational statistics with applications to neuroscience; Causal Networks; Measures of connectivity; Linear Mixed Effect (LME) Models.
Alexander OdesskiiMathematical Physics
Jan VrbikStatistics: approximating sampling distributions beyond CLT; Celestial mechanics.
Thomas WolfComputer Algebra, Differential Equations, Discrete Optimization, Computer Go

For more information, please visit the Brock admissions website.