Alonso Zavafer

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences and Engineering

Office: MCF 244
905-688-5550 x6803
[email protected]

  • Development of open instrumentation based on optics to study biological phenomena in photosynthetic organisms.
  • Design of biosensors and biosensing methods applied to agri/aquaculture.
  • Wastewater treatment using photobioprocessing.
  • Photobiology

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Selected publications:

  • Iermak, I, Szabo, M & Zavaleta Fernandez de Cordova, A 2020, ‘Analysis of OJIP transients during photoinactivation of photosystem II indicates the presence of multiple photosensitizers in vivo and in vitro’, Photosynthetica, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 497-506.
  • Bates, H, Zavaleta Fernandez de Cordova, A, Szabo, M et al. 2020, ‘The Phenobottle, an open-source photobioreactor platform for environmental simulation’, Algal Research, vol. 52, no. -, pp. -.
  • Zavaleta Fernandez de Cordova, A, Iermak, I, Cheah, M et al. 2019, ‘Two Quenchers Formed During Photodamage of Phostosystem II and The Role of One Quencher in Preemptive Photoprotection’, Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 0.
  • Zavaleta Fernandez De Cordova, A, Koinuma, W, Chow, W et al 2017, ‘Mechanism of Photodamage of the Oxygen Evolving Mn Cluster of Photosystem II by Excessive Light Energy’, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 8pp..
  • Szabo, M, Larkum, A, Suggett, D et al 2017, ‘Non-intrusive assessment of photosystem II and photosystem I in whole coral tissues’, Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 4, no. AUG, pp. 269 (12pp).
  • Osmond, C, Chow, W, Wyber, R et al 2017, ‘Relative functional and optical absorption cross-sections of PSII and other photosynthetic parameters monitored in situ,at a distance with a time resolution of a few seconds, using aprototype light induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) device’, Functional Plant Biology, vol. 44, pp. 985-1006pp.
  • Zavaleta Fernandez De Cordova, A, Cheah, M, Hillier, W et al 2015, ‘Photodamage to the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II by visible light’, Scientific Reports, vol. 5, pp. 16363-16363.
  • Zavaleta Fernandez De Cordova, A, Chow, W & Cheah, M 2015, ‘The action spectrum of Photosystem II photoinactivation in visible light’, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, vol. 152, pp. 247-260.

2011-2016 Ph.D., The Australian National University (ANU), Australia.
Thesis title: “Spectroscopic studies of photodamage and photoprotection of photosystem II”

2006-2011 B.Sc. (Hons. 1st class equivalent), School of Sciences, National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico (2011).
Grade Point Average: 9.81/10