Articles tagged with: Graduate students

  • Faculty encouraged to submit winter term reading lists soon

    Reserve request processing for the winter term is underway at Brock University Library.

    To ensure your students have access to their winter course materials, we encourage you to submit reading lists by November 20, 2020.  

    An instructor self-serve option is also available, providing flexibility to instructors who wish to do this work themselves. All self-submissions will get a final check for copyright compliance, and will then be active for students. 

    An important consideration: print reserve materials remain unavailable for winter 2021 courses.

    Several alternatives to print resources are available including the creation of course-specific online packs. The Reserves team is ready to work with you to develop these for your students. More information about non-print options is available. Liaison Librarians are also available to help you identify alternate resources.  

    Questions? [email protected]

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  • Research Data Management Presentation

    In collaboration with the Office of Research Services, Brock University Library begins the Building Better Research series with an online workshop focusing on research data management.

    Professionals and researchers alike increasingly rely on accurate and comprehensive information describing the data they create and use, as well as secure and reliable storage options where data may be safely stored and readily discovered.

    Data management principles enable the best means to document, protect, preserve, and reuse all kinds of data, whether that be before, during or after the completion of a project.

    This workshop will give you the foundation to understand the value of data management expertise in a wide range of contexts, including academia, business, government, and industry.

    Register for this online workshop via ExperienceBU.

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  • Library and ORS offer “Building Better Research” workshop series

    Calling all researchers! The Brock University Library and the Office of Research Services are pleased to announce a new workshop series: “Building Better Research”

    The series, developed from the results of a survey of researchers last year, is comprised of 10 online workshops over the course of the year. Sessions will be recorded and shared.

    Research Data Management, Heather Whipple, Nov. 3, 12-1 p.m.
    This workshop lays the foundation to understand the value of data management expertise in a wide range of contexts, including academia, business, government, and industry. Register here.

    Introduction to the Canadian Common CV, Josie Reed, Nov. 6, 12-1 p.m.
    The Canadian Common CV Workshop will include an overview of CCV basics with lots of time for questions. Register here.

    Intellectual Property, Randy Peterson, Nov. 18, 12-1 p.m.
    This overview will present an outline of IP, how to both protect novel ideas and speed their transition from academia to the broader community, and how ORS can assist. Register here.

    Statistics Canada Landscape, Heather Whipple, Dec. 1, 12-1 p.m.
    The workshop will explain Statistics Canada’s Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) and Research Data Centres (RDCs), their differences, and how to access data. Register here.

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Leela MadhavaRau, Liette Vasseur and Margot Francis, Dec. 9, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    This workshop will cover the EDI activities in which Brock is engaged, how EDI is discussed in grant applications and how EDI can be integrated into research design. Register here.

    Digital Scholarship at Brock: Services You Need to Know About, Tim Ribaric, Jan. 7, 12-1 p.m.
    This session will provide participants an overview of what constitutes digital scholarship and what services Brock’s Digital Scholarship Lab has available. Register here.

    Scholarly Publishing: Finding and Evaluating Journals, Open Access Dissemination, and Predatory Publishers, Evelyn Feldman, Jan. 11, 12-1 p.m.
    If you want to learn more about finding and evaluating journals, what open access publishing is, and how to avoid predatory publishers, then this session is for you. Register here.

    Grant Budgeting 101, Iva Bruhova, Sharlee Cranston-Reimer, Agata D’Innocenzo, Danusha Kalinga, Jasmine Little, and Suramya Mihindukulasuriya, Feb. 10, 12-1 p.m.
    Topics include: budgeting tips and considerations; frequent budget mishaps; budgeting for contracts and overhead. Register here.

    Developing Your Scholarly Profile with ORCID, Tim Ribaric, Mar. 25, 12-1 p.m.
    This session will outline the how and why of ORCID, demonstrating how your ORCID profile automatically updates and how it will simplify the process of identifying yourself. Register here.

    Knowledge Mobilization/Translation (KMb), Jayne Morrish, Apr. 14, 12-1 p.m.
    During this workshop you will learn more about what KMb is, why this field exists, some specific strategies for planning and engaging in KMb, and an overview of KMb supports at Brock. Register here.


    For more information, contact: Nicole Nolan, AUL [email protected] or Sharlee Cranston-Reimer [email protected]

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