Skills for Success Video Modules

What are the top academic skills I will need to prepare for university in Canada? What are the cultural expectations in Canada? Our video series, Skills for Success: Canadian University Preparation, will not only address these questions but also provide you with the opportunity to practice certain essential skills that you will need to be successful.

Module 1

Within this series, you will learn about Academic Integrity, Time Management, Note-taking, Collaborating with Peers, and Paraphrasing and Summarizing, all while gaining insight about the Canadian university experience. Each of these topics have been created specifically for an international population and designed to bridge any cultural gaps to ensure success in a Canadian environment. You will have the opportunity to practice each skill and receive feedback from an Academic Skills Specialist at Brock University!

Academic integrity is taken very seriously in Canada. When the rules of referencing are ignored, and a student is charged with plagiarism, serious disciplinary outcomes can result. Though acknowledging sources can be difficult for domestic students, it often is a struggle for international students because it is not universal. This video is designed to identify what plagiarism is and bridge the cultural gap in terms of properly acknowledging sources.  

Time may seem universal, as it is your reality. However, various cultures actually view time very differently. This video is designed to identify how time is viewed in Canadian culture and introduce different time management strategies, with the goal of increasing efficiency and productivity.  

All students, both domestic and international, benefit from note-taking skills. However, international populations might struggle with this skill because the way Canadians organize their information is not universal. This video is designed to bridge the cultural gap and introduce note-taking strategies for information that is presented in a linear fashion.  

Collaborating with Peers across cultures is challenging; people from around the world have different expectations from a conversation and assumptions about what is considered appropriate. This video is designed to bridge the cultural gap and introduce tips and strategies for collaborating with peers in Canada, both online and in person, and in group work settings 

Paraphrasing and Summarizing are common writing skills that all students must have in academia. However, it is especially important for international students to be aware of them because writing conventions are not universal. This video is designed to bridge the cultural gap and introduces tips and strategies to paraphrase and summarize in Canadian settings.

Module 2

Within this series, you will learn about Navigating a New Environment, Collaboration and Leadership, Problem-Solving in the Workplace, Decision Making, Presentations, and the impact each of these will have in the Canadian Job Market. Each of these topics have been created specifically for an international population and designed to bridge any cultural gaps to ensure success in a Canadian environment. You will have the opportunity to practice each skill and receive feedback from an Academic Skills Specialist at Brock University!

Learning how to navigate a new environment is considered one of the most essential employment skills in Canada. Developing key communication skills will help any student overcome common barriers, such as paid work experience, career-related experience, or a lack of a professional network. This video is designed to identify the various forms of communication and bridge the cultural gap in terms of proper workplace communication.  

By working together, we can be more efficient and successful. Learn why collaboration & leadership are two of the most essential skills in the Canadian workplace. In this module, you’ll learn the difference between collaboration & cooperation, strategies for successful teamwork and tips for becoming a better team player. This video is designed to identify how Canadian workers increase success by fostering open communication with each other 

Encountering problems and finding solutions s a vital skill to learn in both your personal and professional life. It’s a key skill employers will look to identify in any job interview and workplaces desire employees who can think of new ideas, better ways of doing things and helping them save time and money. This video is designed to provide insight and take your problem-solving skills to the next level 

In the Canadian workplace, everyone is expected to share their thoughts and opinions. This may result in conflict if everyone on the team does not agree. Understanding how to resolve conflicts and how to through a decision making process are essential skills Canadian employers look for in potential job candidates. This video is designed to provide the appropriate tools when addressing these and various other conflicts 

In this video module,, you’ll learn to understand the different expectations of presenting in the Canadian workforce. We’ll also provide five tips for delivering an effective presentation, including eye contact, posture, clothing and an introduction to using PowerPoint. This video aims to showcase the various ways one would present themselves in the Canadian workplace.