The Enrolment Planning Management (EPM) solution assists decision makers such as Deans, Associate Deans, Chairs/ Directors and Graduate Program Directors to help set short and long term targets for undergraduate and graduate programs. It is designed to help set targets for specific groups (e.g., 101, 105, VISA), to plan for intake of additional students after year 1 (e.g., exchange, transfer), and to identify flow-through and retention strategies for returning students.
Establishing these targets and planning long-term helps the University to ensure that it is achieving its Mission, Vision and Values (see below). It will help planners all across the University to ensure that our students, faculty and staff are well equipped and prepared to be successful in the 21st Century.
Service Hours
Please view our current support hours.
Service Expectations
Enrolment Planning Management (EPM) is available 24/7 except during scheduled maintenance and unplanned outages.
Log In
To log in, go to https://epm.brocku.ca.
For EPM Undergraduate:
- Go to the BrockDB – Security Access Request Form (SARF).
- Expand the section Power BI Access (Dashboards).
- Click Office of the Registrar.
- Click Enrolment Planning – Undergraduate – limited access.
All access requests must be approved by the Office of the Registrar.
For EPM Graduate:
- Go to the BrockDB – Security Access Request Form (SARF).
- Expand the section Power BI Access (Dashboards).
- Click Faculty of Graduate Studies.
- Click Enrolment Planning – Undergraduate – limited access.
All access requests must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
The ITS Help Desk is happy to help you. Here’s how you can contact us:
Call Us
(905) 688-5550 x 4357