
  • Phishing Attempt: Email System Maintenance from Brock IT Help Desk Team

    The email below is a sample of a Phishing email received by users at Brock, attempting to impersonate the IT Help Desk team. 

    It might look like it is coming from BrockU, but if you check the subject and contents of the email, you will see some red flags.  

    If you identify an email, and you think is a phishing attack, or you are concerned you may have fallen victim, contact the service desk at x4357 or email us at [email protected]

    Phishing Email:

    Phishing Email Sample

    Categories: Cyber Security

  • End of Internet Explorer 11 Support – June 15, 2022

    The long-awaited end of Microsoft’s support for Internet Explorer 11 is almost upon us. Microsoft is terminating its support of IE 11 and the desktop application will officially be retired on June 15, 2022. Moving forward, IE users will be required to use more modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

    As a general use web browser, IE 11 usage at Brock still accounts for 13% of all desktop web browser use, equal to Mozilla Firefox (also 13%), but behind Google Chrome (17%) and Microsoft Edge (57%). One reason for IE’s continued use is the existence of legacy, Internet Explorer-only apps used by certain University constituents. Those users will be happy to learn that Microsoft has not totally abandoned compatibility for older, legacy websites and applications, as they have built an Internet Explorer mode (“IE mode”) directly into Microsoft Edge, so you can access those legacy Internet Explorer-based websites and applications straight from Microsoft Edge.

    Effective immediately, ITS recommends that all Brock users use only modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and that those users who still require access to legacy IE-based websites or applications use Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge to do so.

    If you have any questions or concerns about this, please submit a Help Desk Ticket.

    Categories: ITS News and Events, Upcoming Changes

  • Qualtrics Covid19 Screening Issue – RESOLVED

    Qualtrics Covid19 screening email confirmation is working again.

    Please contact the Help Desk (x4357 or [email protected]) with any questions or concerns.

    Categories: ITS News and Events

  • Qualtrics Covid19 Screening Issue

    On-campus staff should screenshot their results and email their supervisor. Qualtrics is investigating the cause.

    Categories: ITS News and Events

  • Printing to Brock network printers issue

    A recent Microsoft security update has disrupted printing to Brock network printers.
    This disruption affects all users of Macintosh computers and those using personal computers running Windows.
    Microsoft has not provided a solution at this time. I.T.S. is working diligently to find a solution to this issue while Microsoft attempts to remedy the flaw in their patch.
    Until a permanent solution is put into place, we are asking those that are affected by this issue to use Web Print available at
    Instructions on how to use Web Print are provided below.

    If you have any questions regarding your ability to use Web Print please contact the Help Desk at 905 688-5550 ext 4357 or submit a Help Desk ticket at


    How to use Web Print

    Please open your web browser to

    Login in using your Brock username and password.

    Click on the Web Print link on the left-hand side of the screen.

    Click Submit a Job

    Select either the cits-swprtfm1\Print-It (virtual) or cits-swprtfm1\Print-It-Colour (virtual)

    option depending on if you require black and white or color printing.
    Then click on 2. Print Options and Account Selection

    Enter in the number of copies that you want to print and click 3. Upload Documents

    Click on the Upload from Computer button, or drag a copy of your Word, Excel, PowerPoint, image, text file, or pdf that you wish to print into the Drag files here box

    After your document has been selected, click on Upload and Complete.

    Your document will be uploaded to the print server and will be available to be released from your Ricoh MFD.

    Categories: ITS News and Events

  • Notification of ITS Maintenance – July 6 (Brock Printers)

    A serious security vulnerability in the print spooler service has recently been discovered. ITS will be taking action to mitigate the security risk until a patch is made available.

    Due to this action some users may experience issues printing from campus workstations.

    Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns.

    Categories: ITS News and Events

  • Phishing Attempt Subject: Automated Message from Brock University Student Services (Text Message)

    The text below is an example of a Phishing Attempt that was received by users on campus. If you’ve received this text message, do not reply to this message and delete it.

    Please note that Brock will never send emails or text messages asking for your personal information.

    If you identify an email or text message you think is a phishing attack, or you are concerned you may have fallen victim, contact the service desk at x4357 or email us at [email protected]

    Phishing Text:

    Phising Text


    Categories: Cyber Security

  • Phishing Attempt Subject: 1/16/2020 Payroll

    The email below is an example of a Phishing Attempt that was received by users on campus. If you’ve received this email, do not click on any of the contained links and delete it from your inbox.

    Please note that Brock will never send emails asking for your personal information.

    If you identify an email you think is a phishing attack, or you are concerned you may have fallen victim, contact the service desk at x4357 or email us at [email protected]

    Phishing Email: 

    From: Ursu, Catalin <C***u@s***>
    Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2020 9:20 AM
    To: Ursu, Catalin <C****@s***>
    Subject: 1/16/2020 Payroll


    New payroll directory adjustment notification , Please kindly  Click and complete the required directive to be added to 2020 payroll directory .

    Thank you,

    Payroll Admin Department .

    Categories: Cyber Security

  • Brock ITS cybersecurity improvements coming Nov. 13

    Cybersecurity attacks are increasing at an alarming rate at higher education institutions, and Brock University is no exception.

    In an effort to mitigate these attacks, Brock Information Technology Services (ITS) is implementing three new security initiatives. Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 13, faculty, staff and students can expect changes to the way they login to the Brock portal (, how they change and reset campus ID passwords, and the complexity requirements for passwords.

    The most noticeable change will be a new login page for To access the portal, users will be redirected to the familiar-looking Office 365 login page. Hyperlinks that existed on the portal, such as how students, applicants and employees activate accounts or access tutorials and resources, will be transferred to a new page accessible from the new login page.

    Also moving to Office 365 will be the locations to change campus passwords and access to the self-service password reset function. Instead of going to to change a password, faculty, staff and students will login to Office 365 and then select their photo or initials at the top right of the page. They then select my accountsecurity and privacy and then password. People who have Brock accounts but are not faculty, staff or students — such as Board of Trustees members, vendors and visiting scholars and visiting students — will continue to change their passwords in

    The self-service password reset process will be moved from to

    In the past, self-service password reset has been mandatory for students, but only voluntary for faculty and staff. Going forward, anyone with a Brock campus login will now be required to set up preferences for self-service password reset. The next time a user logs in to Office 365 after Nov. 13, they will be prompted to supply a phone number, an alternate email address or personal security questions that will be used to prove their identity. When a password is reset, users may experience a 10-minute delay for some services.

    The final changes taking place will involve the passwords themselves. Users will not be able to use certain words to create their passwords, and the length of passwords will change from eight to 10 characters.

    “The more characters the password contains, the more difficult it is for hackers to guess,” said Andy Morgan, Director, Client Services.

    Examples of words on the prohibited passwords list include abcdefg, badger, brock, iloveyou, letmein, password, whatever, qwerty and surgite. Former passwords, as well as iterations of prohibited words, will not be accepted. Examples Br0ck!, What3v3r and p@$$w0rd.

    Users are not required to change their passwords on Nov.13; they can wait until their password expires.

    For more information about these changes and to consult job aids, visit

    Categories: ITS News and Events, Upcoming Changes

  • Phishing Attempt Subject: Payroll Calender

    The email below is an example of a Phishing Attempt that was received by users on campus. If you’ve received this email, do not click on any of the contained links and delete it from your inbox.

    Please note that Brock will never send emails asking for your personal information.

    If you identify an email you think is a phishing attack, or you are concerned you may have fallen victim, contact the service desk at x4357 or email us at [email protected]

    Phishing Email: 

    From: Brock University <[email protected]>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 12:23 PM
    Subject: Payroll Calender


    Dear Member

    You new payroll schedule calendar for 2019/20 is now available for your approval.


    Approval will be permanent within the next 48hours.

    Best Regards,
    Brock University

    Categories: Cyber Security