Christine Daigle

Professor, Philosophy

post humanism vulnerability book cover
from Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism book cover
posthumanism in practice book cover
Nietzschie as phenomolist book cover

Continental Philosophy (existentialism, phenomenology), Feminism, Posthumanism and New Materialism, Environmental Philosophy and Environmental (Post)humanities

Current research:

  • “Bomb Pulse: Cultural and Philosophical Readings of Time Signatures in the Anthropocene” with Adam Dickinson (English) and Francine McCarthy (Earth Sciences) (SSHRC Insight grant, 2023-2026)
  • “A Joyful Extinction”: An inquiry into the philosophical and cultural understandings of the Anthropocene with a focus on the concept of extinction–the 6th mass extinction event but also the potential extinction of the human (Research Fellowship at the Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies, Universität Heidelberg, fall 2024).
  • Co-Principal Investigator for “Beyond Sustainability: Radical Transformation Through System Thinking” with co-PI Liette Vasseur (Biology) (New Frontiers in Research Funds – Exploration grant, 2020-2023)
  • Member of the UNESCO Chair on Community Sustainability’s Research Team

Listen to “Entangled Humans,” episode 2 of season 2 of Foreword. Introducing the Humanities podcast, July 7, 2021.

Watch my discussion with Xin Liu on From the Anthropocene to Bat Soups: Thinking Extinction (our own and that of others)”, Kollegium Talks, Think Corner, University of Helsinki, April 1, 2021.

Listen to Can Beauvoir’s Existentialism be a Posthumanism?The Australasian Posthumanities podcast, March 17, 2021.

Listen to Rebecca Comay, Brian Leiter and I on the CBC Ideas documentary on Friedrich Nietzsche (aired on September 16, 2013).