Ernesto Virgulti

Associate Professor

Ernesto Virgulti

PhD (ABD) – University of Toronto
M.A. – University of Toronto
B.A. (Honours) – McMaster University

Office: MC A217
905-688-5550 x3306
[email protected]

Ernesto Virgulti’s research interests include: European and Italian Medieval Literature, Medieval Narrative (especially Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron ), Literary Theory (Narratology and Semiotics), Italian Theatre (in particular Luigi Pirandello) and Cinema.  He has also worked in the area of language teaching and learning, and is preparing publications on the Italian City, Rome, and Italian-English Idiomatic Expressions. In addition to being Director of the Italian Program, he is also Interim Director of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Brock.


Leslie Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici, Ernesto Virgulti, eds.  Beauty and the AbjectStudies on Themes and Motifs in Literature.  Vol. 88.  New York-Frankfurt-Berlin- Washington: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007.

Leslie Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici, Ernesto Virgulti, eds.  Images and Imagery. Frames, Borders, Limits.  Interdisciplinary Perspectives  Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature, Vol. 74.  New York-Frankfurt-Berlin-Washington: Peter Lang Publishing, 2005.

Ziraldo, Donald.  Anatomia di una cantina.  L ‘ arte del vino a Inniskillin  [Anatomy of a Winery. The Art of Wine at Inniskillin], ed. Ernesto Virgulti. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2003.

Pirandello, Luigi.  Cosí è (se vi pare) , a cura di Ernesto Virgulti. Welland: Éditions Soleil Publishing, 2001. (A critical edition including The Life & Works of Pirandello, 
Introduction to the Play, Criticism, Text Notes, Italian-English Vocabulary, and a variety of exercises and activitie ). Reprinted 2008.

Chapters in books:

AIn Defence of a New Literature for a New Age: Boccaccio =s Introduction to Day IV of the Decameron , in TRANSITIONS: Prospettive di studio sulle trasformazioni letterarie e linguistiche nella cultura italiana , a cura di Kevin B. Reynolds, Dario Brancato (general editors), Paolo Chirumbolo e Fabio Calabrese.  Fiesole (Firenze): Edizioni Cadmo, 2004, pp. 105-122.

ALies My Father Told Me: Boccaccio =s Novelletta of Filippo Balducci and His Son ” in The Italian Novella: A Book of EssaysEd. Gloria Allaire, New York & London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 15-34 (Chapter One).

“ The Medieval Legend of the Eaten Heart in Storytelling: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspectives, Eds. I. Blayer and M. Sanchez.  New York-Frankfurt-Berlin-Washington: Peter Lang Publishing, 2002, pp. 86-101.

” Seymour B. Chatman ” in  AA.VV.    I discorsi della critica in America : Frye, De Man, Bloom, Hartman, Fish, Hirsch, Chatman, Spivak, Said, Jameson   [ Critical Discourse in America ]. Ed.  J. Picchione.  Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 1993, pp. 132-150.

  • ITAL 2F00 (Language, Literature and Culture)
  • ITAL/FILM 2P80 (Italian Cinema)
  • ITAL/VISA 2F99 (Reading the Italian City)
  • ITAL 2P90 (Translation and Language Practice)
  • ITAL 3F93 (Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio)
  • ITAL 3P97 (Italian for Teachers)
  • ITAL 4P04 (Translation: Applications)
  • MARS 1F90 (Medieval and Renaissance Civilizations)