New Postdoctoral Fellow: Dr. Owen Kane

The Department of English Language and Literature continues to attract top-notch scholars. Owen Kane (PhD, Queen’s), working with Professor Elizabeth Sauer, brings his SSHRC-funded research on contact literature and early modern literary cultures of the circumpolar north to Brock.

Welcome, Dr. Kane!

Dr. Owen Kane recently defended his PhD at Queen’s University. His dissertation on poetic decorum and early modern political geography, argued for the influence of poetic thinking by Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and John Milton on early English political concepts. His essays have been published in Spenser Studies, The Spenser Review, Shakespeare and the Sea Conference Proceedings, and TOPIA. Previously, Dr. Kane was a founding committee member of the Chapel Royal of the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation at Massey College and has experience in accessibility issues working in partnerships to develop accessible infrastructure for universities. Supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Sauer, he comes to Brock University in order to complete his SSHRC-funded postdoctoral research project on contact literature and early modern literary cultures of the circumpolar north. While at Brock, Dr. Kane also looks forward to assisting Dr. Sauer in her projects and with the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies, taking part in departmental and research centre events, and helping out undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students whenever possible in the Humanities departments.

Categories: News, Postdoctoral Fellowships