DPI 2018 – Proposal Submission Form

  • Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal to the Digital Pedagogy Institute 2018.
    Please fill in the following information.
  • Presenter Information

  • Proposal Information

  • For the proposal text box above, please provide the review committee with details about your 20 minute presentation or 60 minute interactive workshop including:
    1) a detailed overview of your session;
    2) how your session relates to one or more of the conference themes;
    3) how you will orient your session to a diverse audience with varied interests and backgrounds;
    4) two or three learning outcomes for your workshop (workshop proposals);
    5) how your workshop will engage and actively involve participants (workshop proposals).
  • Requested Resources

  • Prohibitive license costs for non-open source software may prevent certain workshops from being offered.
  • A PC computer and presentation system with audio/video/internet will be provided. Presenters will also be able to connect their own laptops to this system.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.