Give Support

Receiving a disclosure can be hard and tricky to navigate. It’s okay not to have all the answers, we are here to help.

Website- B.E.S.T.2
  • Try: “This sounds overwhelming”. 
  • Don’t question their story. Your job is to guide to support, not to investigate or judge. 
  • Give your full attention; make time and space. 
  • Let the individual be in control of the conversation. 
  • Ask: “Are you okay and/or safe?” 
  • Let the individual determine what they need. 
  • Reporting is only one option of many – allow the individual to choose.
  • Only call emergency services if someone is in direct or immediate danger. 
  • Ask: “What can I do to help?”; “Can I provide you with information on services and supports?” 
  • Offer to connect the individual with Human Rights and Equity, Brock Gender and Sexual Violence Support and Education services. Refer to our Gender and Sexual Violence Disclosure and Reporting Options to see what we offer. 
  • Let them decide how to proceed. 
  • Try: “Thank you for trusting me.” – It takes bravery and strength to make a disclosure. 
  • Acknowledge the effort and thank the person for reaching out and trusting you. 
  • Check-in and take care of yourself after this conversation. 

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You Can Also Get Support From Our Offices

We understand that listening to someone disclose can be difficult. If you’re having a tough time after receiving a disclosure and need to talk to someone, please contact the Gender and Sexual Violence Intake Support Coordinator at, or any HRE Team Member, or feel free to fill out an Anonymous and Confidential Disclosure Form.

We also have plenty of resources available for you to consult for support:

People process and react to traumatic events, such as sexual violence incidents, differently. How they react can depend on their age, gender identity, race, religion, class, ability, and other social locations. Take a look at the following resources for more information about how sexual violence affects people:

HRE is here to support you if someone discloses to you. We have a confidential Third Party Disclosure option for those who have received a disclosure. It’s just a chat with the GSV Intake and Support Coordinator or another HRE Team member to check if you’re okay, and help you get the support you need. For example, we can provide accommodations, refer you to services, or connect you with mental health counseling.

For details, check out:

If you had a loved one who has experienced sexual violence, it can feel overwhelming to figure out how to provide care. Please take a look at our resources below for some information how how to support your loved one. You can contact or another HRE Team Member if you need advice or support.

You can also visit our Gender and Sexual Violence Learn page or our Trauma and Self-Care page for information on how Trauma affects survivors.

Listening to a disclosure can be difficult. After someone discloses to you, take time to check-in, and care for yourself.