How to register
ACTIVATE your student portal account
Note: you must activate your student portal account at least 24 hours prior to when registration opens.
Through you will be able to access registration as well as information regarding your academic status, degree progression, financial and other important information.
To activate your account, begin with the I am a New or Returning Student or Alumnus link on the web page. Read and follow the instructions on each screen. This process will also provide you with a Brock e-mail account and a Brock computer account. Once you have completed activating your account, log in using your student number and your new password.
Brock University Departments/Centres, as well as the Office of the Registrar, will use your Brock (badger) e-mail address as a means of contacting you. It is your responsibility to check this account often. You cannot forward this e-mail address to any hotmail or other e-mail address you may have.
Click on REGISTER from the Student Self Serve menu and Complete the DECLARATION
Once you click on Register, you will be brought to the Declaration screen. First, select the session for which you are registering from the drop-down menu. Your first time on the registration system, you must also confirm your program of study. You must complete each section of the Declaration form before you register.
If you disagree with any information displayed, click the “I disagree button” under the information in question. Once you have answered each section of the Declaration, click the “Submit Declaration Form” button at the bottom of the screen. You will still be permitted to register.
“I disagree”
If you disagreed with any information on the Declaration form, continue with Steps 4 and 5. Once you complete your registration, follow the steps below.
- If you disagreed with: Program of Study or Immigration Status, contact Student Records at [email protected] or x3099.
- If you disagreed with mailing or local address, a warning will be displayed each time you log in to Student Self Serve. You have until September 25th to go to Student Access and correct your mailing and/or local address. After September 25th, your registration access will be blocked until you update your mailing and/or local address.
- If you disagreed in error or require assistance, please contact Student Records at [email protected] or x3099.
Register for Courses
For assistance in how to ADD a course or DROP a course, please use the online tutorial available through the HELP menu option on the right side of the menu bar.
- To ADD a course simply click on “ADD” displayed beside the lecture.
TIP – By scrolling over the elements of the courses listed you can reference the course name, restrictions and other course information.
Your course additions will show in the List of Registered Courses for Current Registration Period and a confirmation message of “You have successfully added (course information)” will display.
If a course offering is listed on the timetable but is not showing as available in Register, the course is full. You must register in an alternate section of this course on your assigned campus. If you are unable to register in a section on your campus, do NOT register on the other campus as those spaces are reserved. Email [email protected] for assistance.
- To DROP a course, click on the “DROP” link shown on List of Registered Courses for Current Registration Period. A confirmation message will display to verify the change made and the list of registered courses will be updated.
At any time you may access a Complete List of Courses through the link at the end of this page (note, this is an overnight update).
For information on required courses, visit the Requirements page
Check for Conflicts
You will need to check for course conflicts. Go to StudentSchedule to view your schedule and potential course timetable conflicts (use link at the end of the registration page). Any potential conflicts will be shown here, indicated by an orange “conflict exists” block. If you have a potential conflict, first check the durations to confirm whether the courses are actually in conflict as some courses running in the same term but different durations will show as potential conflicts. If you still have a genuine conflict, make note of the conflict and search for an alternative offering. (NOTE: This may be an overnight update).
Frequently Asked Questions
For all important dates, including when registration will open and close, please refer to the Important Dates page.
You may add, drop or change courses via the web only up to the registration close dates for each session.
After the close dates, changes to registration must be done in writing or via a Course Add/Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar.
All information on dropping a course, withdrawals and refunds can be found on the Student Accounts and Financial Aid website.
All information on tuition and payment of fees can be found on the Student Accounts and Financial Aid website.
Your Student Self Serve page on is for more than just registration. New functions are added from time to time, so be sure to check out the other services that the system has to offer:
View or Update Address Information
You can update your mailing address through this screen, however you must contact the Registrar’s Office in writing to change your permanent address.
View All Courses and Marks
By accessing this option you may view all courses you have registered in or taken at Brock and their grades (up to the current session). Students with overdue fees will be prevented from viewing grades and accessing academic transcripts.
Fall Grades
This screen will display marks for D2 courses of the current year.
Financial Account History
You may access your financial account details with the University. Typically course changes are reflected under this screen within one business day.
Course Locations and Times
Displays your schedule for the duration.
Set/Change Computer Accounts Password
With this function, you can change your Sakai, Badger Email, and computer lab passwords. You should set up your computer accounts after you have registered for the first time, so that you have computer access available when you get to campus. Note that all three passwords are changed when you use this function.
View Current Course Marks
You can pull up your marks for the courses you’re currently studying. This feature helps track your progress throughout the duration of the course.
Please refer to the Contact page for more information.