Graduate Registration

Program-specific registration notes

Biological Science students must submit a completed and signed Registration Approval Form to the Graduate Program Director in MC F234. Please note that courses must be registered on line before they can be approved. The form can be downloaded here.

Biotechnology students must submit a completed and signed Registration Approval Form to the Graduate Program Director in MC F234. Please note that courses must be registered on line before they can be approved. The form can be downloaded here.

Chemistry students must submit a completed and signed Registration Approval Form to the Chemistry Graduate Program Director. Please note that courses must be registered on line before they can be approved. The form can be downloaded here.

Students must submit a completed and signed Registration Approval Form to the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate Program Coordinator. Please note that courses must be registered online before they can be approved.

How to register

It is strongly recommended that graduate students review their program degree requirements outlined in the Graduate Calendar. Review the course timetables using the links on the left regarding course selection and offerings for the term. Graduate students should also consult with their Graduate Program Director and/or their research supervisor regarding their course selection prior to registering each term.

For new students, all pre-registration conditions outlined in your offer of admission letter must be met before registering for graduate courses.

Only full-time graduate students are eligible to register in undergraduate or graduate course(s) as an ‘Extra’ course offered outside of your program degree requirements. (Full-time graduate students are eligible to register for 1 full credit or two half-credit courses without charge, per program).

Please note Master of Business Economics (MBE) students who wish to take a course (MBAB) in the Goodman School of Business must contact Ms. Carrie Kelly, Director of Graduate Programs, Goodman School of Business ([email protected]) for an override. MBE students should not contact course instructors directly.

After registering, the student’s Graduate Program Director (or designate) will review the graduate student’s online registration and will approve or disapprove each course registration. If a course is disapproved, the student will be deregistered from that course. Students should check the Applicant & Student Self Serve under CrsMarkInquiry on a regular basis in to confirm which courses they are registered in.

If you are interested in registering for a course not listed on the timetable, please contact your Graduate Program Director.

Please note: Students owing fees will not be permitted to register for courses.

If you have any questions regarding course selection, or program of study, please contact your Graduate Program Director. If you have questions regarding registration, please email: [email protected]

Activate Your Student Portal Account

Through your student portal, you will be able to access registration as well as information regarding your academic status, degree progression, financial status and other important information.

To activate your account, begin with clicking on “Applicant, New, Returning Student or Alumni” link. Read and follow the instructions on each screen. This process will also provide you with a Brock E-mail account and a Brock computer account. When you have completed activating your account, log in using your student number and your new password.

Brock University Departments/Centres, as well as the Faculty of Graduate Studies, will use only your Brock e-mail address as a means of contacting you. It is your responsibility to check this account often. You cannot forward this e-mail address to any hotmail or any other e-mail address you may have.

Pre-registration Steps

Complete your Financial Responsibility Agreement, and on the Applicant and Student Self Serve Page, click on “Register” in the menu along the left side of the page.


Select the program/session (eg. Master of Arts: Spring or Fall/Winter) from the drop down menu. You will be asked to complete a declaration in five areas:

  • Program of Study
  • Status in Program (full-time or part-time)
  • Immigration Status
  • Mailing Address
  • Local Address

If you disagree with any information displayed, click the “I disagree button” under the information in question. Once you have answered each section of the Declaration, click the next button. You will be permitted to register.

Entering “I disagree” in your declaration will NOT change your status officially. To affect a change in one of the three areas above, you must contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies. You will only be permitted to continue with the registration process once you have completed all three areas of the declaration.

Course Registration

To register for your first course, enter the “Course Name” (eg. POLI) and the “Course Number” (eg. 5P82). Click “GO” – you do not need to enter the day/time information. Once you have clicked “GO”, you will be presented with the section(s) of the courses that you can choose from. Note that, in many cases, there is only one section of each course available.

Click “Add” to register in the course and section of your choice. If a course and section are already full, the “Add” option will not appear and a message ** FULL ** will show on the left side of your screen. A green message will appear indicating that you have successfully registered in the course and the course will be added to your “List of Registered Courses” at the bottom of your screen. If you are unsuccessful at registering for your selected course and section, a red message will appear and explain the error encountered. ( **Please note: If a course has a “+” sign icon to the left of the course name, click on the icon to see the seminar, lab or tutorial options.) Next to each course there will be an “Add” option. Click “Add” to register.

In the “List of Registered Courses for Current Registration Period” you will see the approval status of the course(s). The Graduate Program Director will review and approve or disapprove your course selection. Until the Graduate Program Director reviews your course selection, the status “Requires Approval” will appear below the course name and number. Once the course is approved, the status will indicate “Approved”. If a course is disapproved, you will be deregistered from that course. Please check under CrsMarksInquiry to see which courses you are registered in.

Repeat the course registration step until you are registered for all your courses.

Frequently asked questions

For all important dates, including when registration will open and close, please refer to the Important Dates page.

You may add, drop or change courses via the web only up to the registration close dates for each session.

After the close dates, changes to registration must be done via a Course Registration/Withdrawal Form from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Please submit the Course Registration/Withdrawal form to your program for approval.

All information on tuition and payment of fees can be found on the Student Accounts and Financial Aid website.

Your Student Self Serve page on is for more than just registration. New functions are added from time to time, so be sure to check out the other services that the system has to offer:

View or Update Address Information

You can update your mailing address through this screen, however you must contact the Registrar’s Office in writing to change your permanent address.

View All Courses and Marks

By accessing this option you may view all courses you have registered in or taken at Brock and their grades (up to the current session). Students with overdue fees will be prevented from viewing grades and accessing academic transcripts.

Financial Account History

You may access your financial account details with the University. Typically course changes are reflected under this screen within one business day.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the + to expand your Financial History and view all individual transactions. Note that you may need to change the starting date at the top of the screen.

Course Locations and Times

Displays your schedule for the duration.

Set/Change Computer Accounts Password

With this function, you can change your Sakai, Badger Email, and computer lab passwords. You should set up your computer accounts after you have registered for the first time, so that you have computer access available when you get to campus. Note that all three passwords are changed when you use this function.

Please refer to the Contact page for more information.

Before the you are able to register yourself online, you must obtain:

  1. Approval of the supervisor of your Graduate Program (if you have a supervisor).
  2. Approval of the GPD (Graduate Program Director) of your Graduate Program.
  3. Approval of the GPD of the program offering the course.
  4. Override from the Graduate Program offering the course (usually done through the graduate program administrative assistant). Note: As of June 2019 overrides have an expiry date.

If registering yourself online, YOU MUST use your own degree drop down menu to register for the course.

If the course is be declared an Extra or an Audit course, you need to inform your GPD so that the GPD can code it accordingly when processing online course authorizations.

If online registration has closed, complete the hard copy Course Registration/Withdrawal form found here: Ensure the form has all appropriate signatures and that the course is marked as Extra or Audit if appropriate. Submit the form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for processing.

Before the you are able to register yourself online, you must obtain:

  1. Approval of the supervisor of your Graduate Program (if they have a supervisor).
  2. Approval of the GPD (Graduate Program Director) of your Graduate Program.
  3. Approval of the instructor offering the course.
  4. Override from the Program offering the course (usually done through the program administrative assistant). Note: As of June 2019 overrides have an expiry date.

Important note: If registering yourself online, YOU MUST use your own degree drop down menu to register for the course in order to not be charged for the course.

If the course is be declared an Extra or an Audit course, you need to inform your GPD so that the GPD can code it accordingly when processing online course authorizations.

If online registration has closed, complete the hard copy Course Registration/Withdrawal form found here: Ensure the form has all appropriate signatures and that the course is marked as Extra or Audit if appropriate. Submit the form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for processing.

Note: Undergraduate students cannot register themselves online for a graduate course. Please consult with an academic advisor within your undergraduate program before pursuing registration in a graduate course.

  1. Complete the manual graduate studies’ course registration form found here:
    Ensure the form is signed by Graduate Program Director of the Graduate Program and the course instructor, and that course is marked as ‘Extra’ or ‘Audit’ if appropriate.
  2. Submit the form to Academic Records within the Office of the Registrar & Enrolment Services at [email protected] for processing.