
Learn more about Brock’s rules and protocols to ensure that everyone is safe and that exams run as smoothly as possible.

Follow the quick links on this page to find your exam.

If your exam time does not appear in the lists above, please contact your Instructor directly for exam date and time.

please arrive at least 15 minutes early

bring your student ID

bring essential items only – no laptops, cellphones, or backpacks

Only water in clear bottles with no label permitted in exam room – no other food or drink

no cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices are allowed

  • Students should not enter an examination with non-essential items (books, papers, bags, backpacks, etc.); Coats and purses are to be placed under your chair/desk. NOTE: The University is not responsible for valuables brought into any of the locations where examinations are written.
  • Your Brock University Student ID card must be placed on the desk (web-only students who may not have a Brock University Student ID may present a government-issued photo ID); each students’ identification will be verified by a proctor.
  • No cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices are allowed. Students who bring them will be required to turn them off and place them under their chair or desk. If a student is found to be in possession of an electronic device (including handhelds, smart wearables, etc.) during the exam, the student may be charged with an Academic Integrity infraction
  • The only other items allowed on each student’s desk are: examination and answer books, pens, pencils, eraser (no pencil cases) and any other materials approved by the instructor (e.g. calculator)
  • Two or more examinations scheduled at the same time constitute a conflict. Please report conflicts immediately via email to [email protected]. Students are expected to check their exams again at the end of term as it may be necessary to make some minor adjustments to location.

Need a ride home from exams?

The BUSU Drive Home Program is a free ride home service that provides students with an alternate mode of transportation after regular bus hours during the exam season. Drive Home will pick up students in the bus drop-off area, by the Rankin Family Pavilion entrance.