Student forms

  1. eThesis Processing Assessment Form
  2. Master’s or PhD Certificate of Approval (only one copy required)
  4. Thesis Non-Exclusive license information and form (original copy required by FGS)
  5. Thesis and Major Research Paper Copyright Licence (original copy required by FGS)
  6. Thesis Title Page Example (do not submit hardcopy)
  7. Request to Restrict the Circulation of Thesis
  8. Thesis Title Change Form (to be submitted if title is changed from what is on other submitted paperwork)

Please submit letter requests through your student portal. The following letters may be requested depending on your eligibility:

  • Confirmation of Enrolment Letter
  • Eligibility to Graduate Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies)
  • Confirmation of Degree Conferred Letter
  • Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and you have a $0 balance on your student financial account. This letter includes a statement that all degree requirements have been met.)
  • Post Graduate Work Permit Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. This letter includes a statement that all degree requirements have been met.)

To submit a request:

  1. Log into your student portal at
  2. Click on the Forms and Services page under Student Access
  3. Follow through the screens to submit your request

Once payment is received, your letter will be processed.

Please note: Depending on the type of letter requested and your current student record, it may take up to 5 business days to process your letter.

You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted payment and your letter request has been processed with instructions to download your letter. To access your letter:

  1. Log into your student portal at
  2. Click on the Forms and Services page under Student Access
  3. Select the View Current/Completed Request(s) option, then click the Continue button
  4. Select the date you requested the letter and/or service, then click on the Go button
  5. The PDF version of your letter will be available in the Document link on the page
  6. Click the link to download your letter

If you have any questions about letter requests, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at [email protected]