- Application for Full-Time Study Off Campus (Form Fillable)
- Application for Non-Degree Graduate (Course/s) Registration (Form Fillable)
- Application for Reinstatement (Form Fillable)
- Canadian Graduate Student Research Mobility Agreement
- Course Registration/Withdrawal Form (Form Fillable)
- Final Stage Status Form (Form Fillable)
- Letter of Permission (Form Fillable)
- Notification of Voluntary Withdrawal (Form Fillable)
- Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Application and Instructions (Form Fillable)
- Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Notification of Withdrawal (Form Fillable)
- PhD Education Residency Request
- Request to Change Co-op Status (Form Fillable)
- Request for a Backdated Course Withdrawal – Please request at [email protected]
- Request to Change Field of Specialization (Form Fillable)
- Request to Change Degree Pathway – Please request at [email protected]
- Request to Change Status (Form Fillable)
- Request for Extension of Degree Time limits
- Request for Inactive Term (Form Fillable)
- Request for Leave of Absence (Form Fillable)
- eThesis Processing Assessment Form
- Master’s or PhD Certificate of Approval (only one copy required)
- Thesis Non-Exclusive license information and form (original copy required by FGS)
- Thesis and Major Research Paper Copyright Licence (original copy required by FGS)
- Thesis Title Page Example (do not submit hardcopy)
- Request to Restrict the Circulation of Thesis
- Thesis Title Change Form (to be submitted if title is changed from what is on other submitted paperwork)
- Graduation In Absentia (not a substitute for an Application for Graduation)
- Intellectual Property Checklist
- Medical Certificate
- Ownership of Student-Created Intellectual Property
- Request for Approval of Extra On-Campus Employment Hours (Form Fillable)
- Student Name Change – Request Form and Additional Information
Please submit letter requests through your my.brocku.ca student portal. The following letters may be requested depending on your eligibility:
- Confirmation of Enrolment Letter
- Eligibility to Graduate Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies)
- Confirmation of Degree Conferred Letter
- Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and you have a $0 balance on your student financial account. This letter includes a statement that all degree requirements have been met.)
- Post Graduate Work Permit Letter (Note: This letter cannot be processed until your application to graduate has been approved by both your program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. This letter includes a statement that all degree requirements have been met.)
To submit a request:
- Log into your student portal at my.brocku.ca
- Click on the Forms and Services page under Student Access
- Follow through the screens to submit your request
Once payment is received, your letter will be processed.
Please note: Depending on the type of letter requested and your current student record, it may take up to 5 business days to process your letter.
You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted payment and your letter request has been processed with instructions to download your letter. To access your letter:
- Log into your student portal at my.brocku.ca
- Click on the Forms and Services page under Student Access
- Select the View Current/Completed Request(s) option, then click the Continue button
- Select the date you requested the letter and/or service, then click on the Go button
- The PDF version of your letter will be available in the Document link on the page
- Click the link to download your letter
If you have any questions about letter requests, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at [email protected]