Gary Pickering

CCOVI Researcher
Professor of Biological Sciences and Psychology/Wine Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Brock University

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 905-688-5550 x4715
Office: MC F243


  • BSc (Zoology), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Post-graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology with distinction, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  • Certificate in Advanced Flavour Science, University of Otago, New Zealand
  • PhD (Wine Science), Lincoln University, New Zealand

About Gary:

Gary is the recipient of a number of research awards, is passionate about wine and wine education, and is working on a number of books. He is also North American editor of the Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment and a member of the Honorary Editorial Board for the International Journal of Wine Research. Gary is inventor of the white wine mouthfeel wheel, co-developer of the Wine Aroma Kits and a distributor for The Defects Wheel® for wine and beer. In addition to his work as President of Picksen International Inc, Gary serves as an international wine judge, most recently for Cuvee and InterVin. He also enjoys a good glass of wine.

How does ‘Adaptation to climate change in the Ontario Grape and Wine Industry’ relate to sustainability/ESRC?
Ontario’s cool-climate grape and wine sectors deal with unique climate change challenges, including unpredictability of extreme weather events such as early freezes, mid-winter thaws, spring frosts and invasive pests which impact on the industry’s ability to produce quality wines and thus its long-term sustainability.  In close collaboration with our industry and academic partners, we are finding ways to adapt to these climate change events, and to develop resilient, innovative and commercially competitive products.
Specific projects our lab is currently working on include: (1) devising interventions for dealing with invasive Coccinellidae (‘ladbybug’) species that adversely affect grape and wine quality, and (2) developing novel wine-based products that will assist the Ontario wine industry in diversifying, and enhance sustainability in the face of intense climate change and competitive pressures.

How does ‘Environmental Psychology’ relate to sustainability/ESRC?
Our lab is conducting research on the psychological barriers that prevent individuals from engaging in behavior that would aid in climate change mitigation. This includes consideration of the commons dilemma, climate change denial, powerlessness and personality types. We are also examining approaches to addressing those barriers, including public communication strategies.