Assessing Higher Education Institutions (HEI) – Community Partnerships Performance, Monitoring & Evaluation

Blog Contributor: Erica Harper

Partnerships between HEIs and communities are becoming increasingly important worldwide. More focus is therefore being placed on how these partnerships are created, how they transform over time, and they can achieve. Assessing the performance of HEI-community partnerships is essential for understanding their value (social, economic, and environmental value), accountability and transparency.

Brock researchers carried out a national study to understand HEI-community partnerships and their performance in Canada. All HEIs in Canada with an explicit mandate related to community relationships were identified. A questionnaire was distributed to their offices, with the results illuminating the present state of partnership efforts. The key findings of this first part of this study include:

  • 25% of HEIs do not employ any monitoring or evaluation of their community partnerships
  • 67% of HEI community-focussed offices have an operating budget of $50,000 or more
  • 67% reported having over 30 active partnerships at their institutions

A second questionnaire, sent to individuals at HEIs who are involved in HEI-community partnerships, as well as community partners, looked at how performance of partnerships should be assessed. A three-fold framework (inputs, process, outcomes) of indicators and measures was validated. The key findings of this second part of the study include what the most important inputs, processes, and outcomes are for effective partnership performance:

  • Motivation is the most important input
  • Communication is the most important process
  • Learning is the most important outcome

These results bridge an important gap in the literature and you can learn more by accessing the Assessing Partnership Performance, Monitoring, & Evaluation webpage or by the reading the most recent publication by the ESRC research team in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, The issue of performance in Higher education institution – Community partnerships: A Canadian perspective.

To learn more we included some helpful links below:

Categories: Applied Research, Blog, Collaborations, Innovative Partnership