Canadian Culture and Education Studies Certificate (CCES)

The CCES advanced certificate prepares students for the rigours of post-secondary studies in the broad field of Education and related disciplines.

Program outline

CCES provides a background in educational theory, Canadian educational context, and Canadian culture. Crucial skills required to be successful in Canadian post-secondary programs such as research skills, critical thinking skills, academic communication skills and problem-solving skills, are provided through an educational studies context. Opportunities are provided for students to improve their writing and presentation skills, increase their familiarity with Canadian cultural practices, and engage in Canadian communities are integrated into the program. Assistance with applying to advanced post-secondary programs is provided. The CCES student will be well-prepared to apply to, and succeed in, an academic program at a Canadian post-secondary institution.

Program Length: 2 terms, 8 months (equals 1 academic year)

Program Level: Advanced Certificate (requires a Bachelor’s degree for admission). At Brock University this certificate is housed in the undergraduate division.

FALL TERM September to December
CCES 6P00 – Introduction to Educational Studies Acculturation process experienced by international students studying in Canada. Introduction to the academic and social expectations of study-life within Canadian postsecondary programs.
CCES 6P01 – Advanced Study Preparation Seminar Academic and social skills needed to successfully transition to graduate advanced post-secondary studies in Canada. Topics include identifying appropriate graduate postsecondary programs, securing referees, understanding application protocols, writing statements of intent, and succeeding in interviews.
CCES 6P02 – Canadian Cultural Practices Acculturation process experienced by students studying in Canada. Introduction to the academic and social expectations of study-life within Canadian postsecondary programs.
CCES 6P05 – Self, Society and Research Develop understanding of self and society as consumers of research. Explore impacts of research (past, present) on professional and personal lives. Build understand of research vocabulary and develop foundational research literacy skills.
CCES 6P07 – In/Equity, Diversity and Change in Education Critical understanding of social in/equity through the intersecting discourses of gender, race, class, sexuality, age, ability, and language, and how this discursive matrix frames educational experiences. Institutional and individual strategies developed to re/situate, re/visit, and re/claim the politics of meaning and experience.
WINTER TERM January to April
CCES 6P03 – Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice Exploration of Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, bell hooks, and others writing within critical pedagogy as the basis for the connection between ’education’ and social justice projects. Topics include oppressive regimes of power/knowledge, indigenous knowledges, and critical pedagogy as a social movement, as revolutionary and transformative.
CCES 6P08 – The Organization of Canadian Higher Education Postsecondary education work that supports students’ development and learning. Topics include knowledge creation, distribution, and maintenance; academic freedom; dissenting opinion; academic integrity; student agency and accountability; the teacher-student dynamic and regulatory structures within higher education. Emphasis on interconnectedness of issues and acculturation for international students.
CCES 6P09 – Introduction to Research Methods Qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods undertaken for research within Education and related disciplines. Deeper understanding of the nature and processes of research, and skills to critically read, conduct and evaluate research.
CCES 6P11 – Wellness in Canadian Higher Education Promotion of wellness and self-care through a variety of theoretical perspectives.
EDUC 3P96 Advanced Community-based Internship Field experiences enabling students to explore the work of educators employed in settings outside of traditional schools.


  • Academic credit to demonstrate the student’s ability to perform well in the Canadian system
  • 4th-year academic credit for those who have a 3-year bachelor’s degree
  • Community involvement, cultural adaptation and professional development
  • References from instructors
  • Assistance in applying for subsequent advanced studies at Brock University or other institutions.
  • The opportunity to continue in the Leadership in Community-based Education (LCBE) certificate without having to retake an English proficiency test. 70% overall GPA in CCES is required.


  • For immigration advice, please email [email protected] or attend an immigration advising session as posted on ExperienceBU.
  • To combine CCES and LCBE apply for consecutive admission. See more in the How to Apply section below.
  • The two certificate programs are designed to work together to provide the best possible experience and preparation for international students who are transitioning to Canada and Canadian higher education studies.
  • Students who complete both certificates will receive a 10% Tuition Rebate after completing the second certificate.
  • Graduates are prepared to seek employment in community-based settings with internships and two certificates to list on a resume ─ indicating to Canadian employers that an applicant is equipped with culturally-relevant and transferrable skills.
  • Canadian education is valued worldwide. Canada’s education system is ranked #4 in the world (Maclean’s Magazine University Rankings, 2020).

Tuition (2023):

  • Domestic students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents): $6,100 for 5 credits. If taken part-time tuition may increase each year.
  • International Students (on a study permit): $18,696 CAD Tuition for all courses over 2 terms.
  • Refer to Brock Student Accounts & Financial Aid website for more details.

Additional Fees: Mandatory Ancillary fees are not included in the tuition (CCES students follow the Undergraduate Ancillary Fee Schedule). For current fee information, including health insurance, visit Brock Student Accounts & Financial Aid. Estimate an additional $2700 for Ancillary fees during the course of the program. These mandatory fees include health insurance and a bus pass from September to April of each year.

Personal Expenses: The cost of living in St. Catharines is affordable. Estimate $1000 to $1300 per month for food, rent and personal expenses (single person living in shared housing). Read more helpful information on budgeting for your expenses.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (on a study permit):

Deposit: A minimum $1,000 CAD deposit is required before being able to register for classes. Information will be included with the offer of admission. The deposit can be refunded if a Canadian study permit is not received. If applying via the Student Direct Stream* the deposit should be the full tuition amount of $18,696 CAD.

  • A 4-year undergraduate degree from an accredited university. Upload your unofficial transcript to your student portal, as stated in the Acknowledgement Email you received after submitting your application.  You will also need to provide a final, official copy of your transcript prior to the start of classes. These must be submitted by the issuing institution and can be emailed by that institution to [email protected]. Transcripts can also be mailed by the institution. To be considered official transcripts, you, the student can never have been in possession of them. Please review our document submission guidelines here.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) of 65% percent (Canadian equivalent). All courses completed in the undergraduate degree are used to calculate this average. Brock University Admissions evaluates transcripts. If the Admissions office cannot verify your post-secondary transcript, you may be asked to provide a WES Assessment, at your own cost.
  • Applicants with 3-year degrees or lower GPAs may apply to be considered for exceptional admission.
  • Internationally-educated students: Minimum English language proficiency requirement (Note that these requirements are exclusive to the CCES program):
    • IELTS Academic overall 6.0, no band below 5.5
    • TOEFL iBT: 70, no band below 18
    • Duolingo: minimum score of 100
    • CAEL: overall 50, no band below 40
    • PTE: 55
    • Brock’s IELP Program, Level 4
    • CAE (A1 Advanced): 169
    • CPE (C2 Proficiency): 169
    • A minimum of two previous years of full-time study (non-ESL) where the primary language of instruction and evaluation was English
    • ESC (Language School Pathway): UCTP Prep Program or Level 8
    • ILAC (Language School Pathway): Level 10
    • ILSC (Language School Pathway): Intermediate I-4

Two ways to apply:

  1. Only for the Canadian Culture in Education Studies certificate. Note: If you select this program and later decide to take a second certificate, we are unable to provide you with a second official offer letter as students can only receive one offer to Brock when they are initially admitted to a certificate program. You will receive a confirmation of enrollment.
  2. For Consecutive Admission. Students will start in the Canadian Culture in Education Studies certificate then, upon successful completion (70% average required) continue the following September in the Leadership in Community-based Education certificate without having to reapply or submit an updated English Proficiency test. On the application form choose, “Consecutive Admission to CCES and LCBE Cert.”


Start with the instructions here: Apply Now – Admissions @ Brock ( You will be using the  BROCK APPLICATION – APPLYING TO BROCK ONLY – form for Fall/Winter/Spring and based on your residency status (international student, Canadian citizen or permanent resident).

  • Provide an unofficial copy of all University transcript(s), by uploading it to your student portal. Doing so will allow Admissions to begin our assessment.
  • Submit your English Proficiency Test Score, based on the testing options available above. We cannot provide you an offer until both the transcript(s) and English proficiency test score are received and both meet the requirements.
  • Provide a final, official University transcript by August 1. This must be provided by the institution you attended and sent directly to Brock by email or mail. Review document submission guidelines here.

Application Tips:

  • Works best with Chrome as the browser
  • Choose Fall 2024 (there is no Spring intake)
  • For the “status in Canada” choose “Student Permit” if not yet in Canada
  • An incomplete application (before the application fee is paid) will be saved for two weeks (an email alert will provide a link to return to the application)
  • After the application fee is paid an email is sent in 2 business days with instructions on how to create the account and upload documents
  • Only fully completed applications will be evaluated

Note to applications submitted by education consultants:

CCES Important Dates:

  • Deadline to apply: We accept applications on a rolling basis. However, if outside of Canada we recommmend applying by May 1 to allow time for study permit application processing. Deferrals are not permitted for certificate programs.
  • Deposit due: Before being able to register for classes. Registration will open July 1, 2024
  • Orientation: September 3, 2024
  • Classes begin: September 4, 2024


Email [email protected]


Note: Information presented is subject to change without notice. Please see the Brock University Registrar’s office Office of the Registrar ( and Brock Student Accounts & Financial Aid Student Accounts & Financial Aid ( websites for updates and official details. 

*Please see the LCBE and CCES FAQ website for immigration resources