
  • Emily Murphy: SSHRC CGS-M award recipient

    Congratulations to our own Emily Murphy for being offered a SSHRC CGS-Master’s Program award to support her second-year master’s level work examining the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model in youth!

    Categories: perfectionism

  • Emily Murphy: Successful OGS Recipient

    Congratulations to our own Emily Murphy for being offered an Ontario Graduate Scholarship to conduct her master’s level work examining the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model in youth!!!

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    Categories: perfectionism

  • Accepted Presentation: Socially prescribed perfectionism and guilt in new mothers

    Title: Socially prescribed perfectionism and guilt in new mothers: A longitudinal investigation. Paper to be presented in G. L. Flett (Chair), The Costs and Consequences of Perfectionism Across Life Contexts: A Multidimensional Analysis. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 29th APS Annual Convention

    Authors: Danielle S. Molnar, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock University; Gordon L. Flett, Department of Psychology, York University; Paul L. Hewitt, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia; Avi Besser, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Sapir Academic College, Israel

    Categories: perfectionism