Isaac Brock
Isaac, it’s your day!
Explore these experiences as part of your 2020 Fall Convocation
Message from President Gervan Fearon and installation of Chancellor Hilary Pearson, messages from BUSU President Asad Jalib and GSA President Christopher Yendt.
Lieutenant-General The Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire delivers the virtual keynote address.
This Convocation’s recipients of the Governor General’s Silver Medal Award, Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Research and Creative Activity Award and Spirit of Brock medal.
Throw some virtual confetti to celebrate your achievement, and show off your Brock pride with Class of 2020 wallpapers, cover photos, stickers and more!
Land acknowledgement
We at Brock University would like to acknowledge and honour the ancestors of those on whose traditional lands we gather today. Brock University is located on the shared lands of the Original Peoples, which became known as the traditional beaver hunting grounds. The Aboriginal Education Council and Brock University have worked collaboratively to keep the importance of our shared history, friendship and future relationships in our minds and hearts. We would like to recognize the successes of our Aboriginal graduates and all those graduating today.

Lynn Wells, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, delivers the Land Acknowledgement for 2020 Fall Convocation.
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Peter Tiidus
Dean, Faculty of
Applied Health Sciences
Visit our faculty website for more messages for the Class of 2020. Visit website
“The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.” — Dale Carnegie
As the above quote illustrates, graduation is the next step in moving ahead with your life. Your education has prepared you for many possibilities, most of which we cannot yet foresee. Be confident that you have the skills and abilities to succeed and do not be afraid to take the chances to do so.
You have graduated from excellent programs and have had the opportunity to learn from some great teachers. You have also had opportunity to learn outside the classroom and to benefit from interactions with your peers as well as the community at large.
I wish you all success and happiness in the future. Be proud of the education you have received and make the most of what you have achieved. You have a solid foundation for a life of learning and achievement. You are joining a community of Brock alumni as well as alumni from your program. Wherever you go, you will always be a Brock alumnus and we hope that this will continue to help you as you move through life.
While this has been an unusual ‘virtual’ graduation, I hope that it will still serve to inspire you and that you are able to take pride in your achievement.
Best wishes.
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Education

Michael Owen
Dean, Faculty of
Visit our faculty website for more messages for the Class of 2020. Visit website
Congratulations, Class of 2020!
Your Brock Faculty of Education family is incredibly proud of your educational and co-curricular achievements. I know your friends and families join us in celebrating your success even though we cannot be together at this time.
As you reflect on your time with us and look forward to your future as an educator, know that you leave us prepared to make significant contributions to society. As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
As an educator, whether of young children, youth or adults, you have a powerful role to play in helping us respond to the challenges facing our world. You will prepare the next generation of experts, activists and leaders to tackle climate change and inequality, discrimination or prejudice in any form. The lessons you have learned at Brock have equipped you to do work that will matter.
We want to stay connected with you after graduation and learn about your accomplishments and adventures. And we hope that you will want to stay connected with us, too, as we work toward building the very best Faculty of Education — for today and tomorrow. Together, we will make a difference.
I wish you all the best as you take your next steps in your life journey. Enjoy your day! Celebrate!
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Social Sciences

Ingrid Makus
Dean, Faculty of
Social Sciences
Visit our faculty website for more messages for the Class of 2020. Visit website
On this convocation day, as you are commended for your hard work and achievements, take a moment to reflect on both — the countless all-nighters and the light-bulb moments that you carry forward today, the paper cuts and the A papers, your tears of frustration and the tears from those bouts of uncontrollable laughter you shared with friends. Committed, as you were, to studying how our global structures function, you likely encountered unexpected discoveries and, sometimes, hard truths that required you to grow, adjust, and find a new path forward.
I hope that your time at Brock will long be a touchstone for you — that you will regularly reach back into your memories to recall a fact, a methodology, a word of encouragement from a TA, or a perspective-shifting conversation with a trusted professor or seminar group.
The Class of 2020 takes on the world in what is already seen as an historic year, and I believe that you, as a graduating class of emerging social scientists and global citizens, will take up the challenge of using your knowledge and skills to enact meaningful change. Your clear thinking, strong action, and translation of theory into practice will help us reimagine our society as safe and healthy — for each and every member — and much more resilient, adaptive and sustainable.
I join your professors and instructors, the support staff who helped you along your journey, and your fellow students who cheered you on when times were toughest in wishing you my hearty congratulations on your Convocation, on behalf of the Brock community.
Dean’s welcome | Goodman School of Business

Andrew Gaudes
Dean, Goodman School
of Business
Visit our faculty website for more messages for the Class of 2020. Visit website
On behalf of the faculty and staff of the Goodman School of Business, may I offer you our heartfelt congratulations on having completed your degree. This isn’t the way any of us wanted to celebrate, but it does not diminish the pride we feel in seeing you start the next chapter of your life, ready to take on new challenges with the same passion, professionalism and perseverance you embodied while a Goodman student.
There is no question these are challenging times, but it is times like these that require leaders to step forward and find solutions. We know that you leave Brock University and the Goodman School of Business equipped with those skills and look forward to seeing how you help change the world.
Although we cannot be together, we wish you all the best. Take time to celebrate this wonderful accomplishment with your family and know that you will always be a part of Goodman’s extended family.
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Humanities

Carol Merriam
Dean, Faculty of
Congratulations Humanities graduates of Fall 2020!
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. If things were normal, we would be having a day of celebration together. You’d be seeing your friends again, I’d be hosting you and your families for a pre-Convocation breakfast, and we’d all go to the gym in robes for the conferring of degrees and much cheering. But the times are anything but normal, and so we must come up with new ways to celebrate your grand achievement. For finishing a university degree really is a grand achievement, and we are all very proud of you.
In graduating in the Humanities at this moment, you are uniquely equipped to face the world as it seems to unspool around us. No matter what you have studied in the Humanities, you have developed some unique and crucial skills: you have learned to examine matters closely to seek out truth, and to look that truth in the face no matter how daunting it is. You have learned to develop an idea and express it in various ways, clearly and coherently. And you have learned to hold up a mirror to the world and show us what we really are.
These are the things we need as we try to build the world back better. You are the people we need. You have done something amazing and will go on to do even more amazing things. Thank you for spending the past few years with us and letting us see you develop into the citizens the world needs.
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Mathematics and Science

S. Ejaz Ahmed
Dean, Faculty of
Mathematics and Science
Visit our faculty website for more messages for the Class of 2020. Visit website
Greetings and welcome to the Faculty of Mathematics and Science virtual convocation portal.
It is my utmost pleasure to honour the fine work and perseverance you have shown throughout your academic career.
Convocation is a time to reflect. It is a time to celebrate your accomplishments and be recognized by your professors, mentors and peers.
I know that nothing can replace the experience of having your name called out and walking across the Convocation stage. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to change how we gather and celebrate life’s biggest moments.
Though we may not greet each other in person, our spirits are aligned and I am just as proud to see your progress. The virtual nature of this year’s Convocation may be witnessed by an even wider array of attendees now that we aren’t limited by a physical location.
Earlier this year, Brock President Gervan Fearon promised that, when safe to do so, an in-person celebration for you and your family will be held on campus.
Take a moment to re-live your most joyful experiences at Brock; your highest marks, longest laughs and greatest challenges overcome.
Our Faculty draws on the strength and scholarly acumen in each of you to shine brightly on the world stage. I trust you will engage life to the fullest and succeed marvellously in your careers with the tools and work ethic you honed in Brock’s hallowed halls.
Dean’s welcome | Faculty of Graduate Studies
Congratulations on completing your graduate degree at Brock University.
While I’m sure most of you were hoping for an in-person Convocation, and a different end to a remarkable chapter in your life, it is my hope that when you reflect back on this time, you will be proud of the resilience you developed as a graduate student during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Today we celebrate you and all your accomplishments. Whether you are embarking on a new career, continuing your academic studies with another graduate degree program, or adding to your professional designation, you have risen to challenge and embraced the opportunities to grow academically and professionally during an extraordinary time. Congratulations on your outstanding achievements. We are proud to have you as alumni of Graduate Studies at Brock.
I’d also like to acknowledge the many people who supported you through your graduate studies. To your family, friends and colleagues – thank you for your support. In no small way, you helped our students to succeed by allowing them to focus and dedicate themselves to their graduate education. To the faculty members, program directors, supervisors and staff, thank you for your guidance for our students. Your support is invaluable.
Take today to celebrate your success. You achieved this landmark under exceptional circumstances. The perseverance you have shown will serve you in your future pursuits. If I can share one bit of advice as you move to the next chapter, it would be to remember your graduate education for the highs and the lows. Look back on any challenges you may have had along the way and learn from them. Often challenges can turn into opportunities for growth and discovery.
Everyone at the Faculty of Graduate Studies wishes you all the best and we look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments.

Suzanne Curtin
Dean, Faculty of
Graduate Studies

Suzanne Curtin
Dean, Faculty of
Graduate Studies
Congratulations on completing your graduate degree at Brock University.
While I’m sure most of you were hoping for an in-person Convocation, and a different end to a remarkable chapter in your life, it is my hope that when you reflect back on this time, you will be proud of the resilience you developed as a graduate student during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Today we celebrate you and all your accomplishments. Whether you are embarking on a new career, continuing your academic studies with another graduate degree program, or adding to your professional designation, you have risen to challenge and embraced the opportunities to grow academically and professionally during an extraordinary time. Congratulations on your outstanding achievements. We are proud to have you as alumni of Graduate Studies at Brock.
I’d also like to acknowledge the many people who supported you through your graduate studies. To your family, friends and colleagues – thank you for your support. In no small way, you helped our students to succeed by allowing them to focus and dedicate themselves to their graduate education. To the faculty members, program directors, supervisors and staff, thank you for your guidance for our students. Your support is invaluable.
Take today to celebrate your success. You achieved this landmark under exceptional circumstances. The perseverance you have shown will serve you in your future pursuits. If I can share one bit of advice as you move to the next chapter, it would be to remember your graduate education for the highs and the lows. Look back on any challenges you may have had along the way and learn from them. Often challenges can turn into opportunities for growth and discovery.
Everyone at the Faculty of Graduate Studies wishes you all the best and we look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments.
Dear Graduands
President and Vice-Chancellor
Gervan Fearon
Installation of Chancellor
Hilary Pearson
Graduate Students Association
Christopher Yendt

Graduate Students Association
Christopher Yendt

Brock University Students’ Union
Asad Jalib
Keynote Address & honorary degree recipients
Lieutenant-General The Honourable
Roméo A. Dallaire
Convocation speaker
Honorary Degree Recipient
General Roméo Dallaire is a celebrated international advocate for human rights, as well as a respected author, government and UN advisor, and former Canadian Senator. He is also founder of the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace, and Security.
Celebrating excellence
We congratulate this year’s award recipients.
Governor General’s Silver Medal Award Winners
Kraig Helmeczi
Physics, Faculty of Mathematics & Science
Collin Tower
Physics, Faculty of Mathematics & Science
Distinguished Teaching
Kai-Yu Wang
Professor, Marketing, International
Business & Strategy
Goodman School of Business
Distinguished Research and
Creative Activity Award
Angela Evans
Associate Professor, Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Spirit of Brock Medal
Christopher Yendt
Faculty of Education
Spirit of Brock Medal
Carly Magnacca
Faculty of Social Sciences
Time to celebrate!
Isaac, you did it
It’s your time to
Stay connected
Isaac, your connection to Brock does not end with graduation.

Greg Plata, President of the Brock University Alumni Association (BUAA), welcomes you to the Brock University alumni family.
As a life-long member of the Brock University Alumni Association, you are part of a network of more than 105,000 alumni! We invite you to discover the many ways you can stay connected to your alma mater. Stay connected

from the
Campus Store
Our 2020 Grads can shop from a selection of Grad gifts including Alumni clothing, Grad teddy bears, jewelry, and drinkware.
free shipping*
on degree frames
all tartan
*in Canada only
Thank you Isaac
We know that nothing can replace the experience of having your name called out and walking across the Convocation stage, and we are as saddened as you that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to change how we gather and celebrate life’s biggest moments.
Earlier this year, Brock President Gervan Fearon promised that, when safe to do so, an in-person celebration for you and your family will be held on campus. We will contact you once more information is available.
Here are a few more ways the Class of 2020 is being celebrated.

Congratulations to the 400+ international students from 46 countries graduating this year!

Niagara College President Sean Kennedy congratulates the graduating Class of 2020.

Watch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s message to the graduating Class of 2020.

Watch Minister Romano’s message to the graduating Class of 2020.
What’s next?
Your diploma will be mailed out at the end of October. Please allow extra time for delivery due to anticipated courier delays.
Email [email protected] should you need further assistance.
— 2020 Fall Convocation —
Looking for more ways to celebrate?
Visit our Celebration page and download fun #BrockUGrad themed mobile wallpapers, Facebook and Twitter cover photos, profile picture frames, GIFs, Instagram filters and more!
Show off your Brock pride and celebrate with us!