Brock has a long history of collaboration with community partners in areas related to teaching, learning, research, innovation and service. All good partnerships are based on trust, respect and a reciprocal understanding of the terms under which the partnership operates.
While relationships and collaborations can develop between Brock and our community partners organically, they may also be formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The purpose of an MOU is to formalize an existing or new relationship and to establish a framework within which further collaboration may develop. An MOU identifies the scope, timelines, priorities, resources and activities between partnering organizations, and establishes mechanisms for tracking and reporting metrics. These collaborations support Brock University’s strategic priority to support the life and vitality of the Niagara Region and beyond and provide an opportunity to build capacity by aligning the University’s resources with the community’s needs.
If you are interested in developing a formalized partnership with Brock University, we invite you to complete the form below that best applies to you.
Brock’s Memorandum of Understandings

City of Burlington
Brock has announced it will relocate its current Hamilton campus to a more accessible location in Burlington, to better serve students and the broader community. Brock and the City of Burlington have signed an MOU to work together to find a site and to realize the intention for the relocated campus.

Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold
A partnership to enhance the services and supports to the agency through experiential learning, as well as an active research component which will benefit future program delivery.

HOPA Ports
Brock University and HOPA Ports (the Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority) are joining forces to provide new educational opportunities for students while also strengthening the future of Niagara’s economy.

McMaster University Niagara Regional Campus
A renewed agreement with a commitment to expand the academic collaboration between the two institutions.

Brock University and MTechHub have combined forces to enhance the skills of the workers in the Canadian manufacturing industry.

Niagara Adapts
Niagara Adapts is a novel partnership between Brock University and municipalities in the Niagara Region. The Niagara Adapts partnership will cultivate a community of practice for climate change adaptation planning and build climate resilience in the region into the future.

Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre
A collaboration to provide support to newcomers through research participation, experiential education and mentorship.

Niagara Health
A partnership that will increase opportunities to improve the overall health and well-being in our region and beyond. It places a heightened focus on research that will help people stay healthy, improve the way health care is delivered, and create training and employment opportunities for Brock students and graduates.

Niagara Parks Commission
This expanded partnership recognizes and applies the expertise and resources of both organizations to increase environmental and cultural stewardship through co-op education opportunities, course work, and research.

Niagara Region Public Health and Emergency Services
A partnership focused on joint research, experiential education opportunities, career events and guest lectures.

Pathstone Mental Health
A collaboration that will positively impact children suffering with mental health in Niagara and beyond, creating a direct connection between the people conducting leading-edge research on child mental health and the caregivers who work with families dealing with related issues.

TOES Niagara
After years of working together on projects that empower immigrant and racially marginalized women and their families, Brock University and Tools of Empowerment for Success (TOES) Niagara have formalized their long-standing partnership.

Workforce Collective (formerly Niagara Workforce Planning Board)
The partnership formalizes both Brock and the Workforce Collective’s effort in contributing to the local community by supporting the health, vitality and well-being of the region, as well as addressing workforce development challenges.

YWCA Niagara Region
After years of collaboration, Brock University and the YWCA Niagara Region are moving forward with a common goal: empowering local women and improving the lives of their families.
“Partnership is powerful. I have an Elder who reminds me, “we don’t need to know and do everything on our own – we just need to know people who know and do things and have the wisdom to come together so we can achieve incredible things.” Partnerships are the opportunity to see what we know and do best synergize with the best in others to achieve mutually beneficial goals and dreams.”
– Dr. Robyn Bourgeois, Acting Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement