Brock University is one of Canada’s top post-secondary institutions. Located in the historic Niagara region, Brock offers all the benefits of a young and modern university in a safe, community-minded city with beautiful natural surroundings.
Our Values
Integrity and respect
Freedom of thought and expression coupled with academic responsibility
Unique student experience
Accountability and stewardship
Generation and mobilization of knowledge

“I came to work at Brock because my position here is a great opportunity in my field, and the Niagara region is good place to live. I haven’t been disappointed: the University is vibrant and full of energy, and there is a real sense of community with my colleagues. I’m also struck every day by how beautiful the campus is, beside the Bruce Trail and the Niagara Escarpment.”
— Kevin K., Office of the University Secretariat
“I feel that, as a scientist, the medium size of Brock is a huge advantage for maximal flexibility and speed of getting things done. The size makes it really easy to contact across different academic units (e.g., collaborating or just asking a question of a colleague in another department or Faculty) and services (e.g., Research Services).”
— Stephen C., Faculty of Applied Health Sciences