Safety tips

General safety tips

  • Familiarize yourself with the locations of the campus emergency phones.
  • Avoid walking alone through isolated areas of the campus. At night, try to stay in well lit areas and travel routes that are frequented by others.
  • Make use of the safe-walk escort program when walking to parking lots, campus residences, or classes.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy about a situation or person, remove yourself from that situation.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed, indicate your suspicion by looking behind you. Make your way to a place where there are other people and use your cell phone or emergency phone to call Campus Safety. Try to obtain a description of the person following you.
  • Always walk with an air of confidence when alone or in an isolated area. You will reduce your risk of becoming a target of crime.
  • Use a buddy system when going out and agree to watch out for each other.
  • Do not abuse drugs or alcohol since your ability to make safe and responsible decisions will be seriously compromised.
  • Carry a cellular phone with you and always carry emergency cab fare.

Parking lot safety

  • Always try to park in a well lit area.
  • Lock your doors and keep your windows rolled up.
  • Keep valuables out of sight – place them in the trunk.
  • Have your keys ready as you approach your vehicle.
  • Check the interior of your vehicle for anything suspicious before getting in.
  • Lock your doors after getting into your vehicle.

Office/Home safety

  • Always lock your door when you leave your office, even for a short time.
  • Lock your wallet or purse in a desk drawer.
  • Only carry the credit cards that you use frequently and leave the rest in a safe place at home.
  • Report any suspicious person or activity to Campus Safety.
  • Lock your doors and windows when not in your room or house. If you share your unit with others, ensure that their guests understand that your room is off limits.
  • Keep a record, with serial numbers, of your valuables.
  • Ensure laptop and desktop computers are secured using locks and cables available at retail stores or online.
  • Do not hide keys outside, leave it with a trusted neighbour.
  • Draw your curtains or window shades when not at home.