Academic Advising

Do you have questions regarding your program, credits or academic planning and not sure who to contact? Brock’s Academic Advisors are here to help! Your Academic Advisor is dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals, from year one to graduation.  There are two categories of Advisors at Brock:

The Brock Academic Advising team is designated to support the following students:

  • Students in BA Social Sciences, General Humanities or BSc Science programs (students in these programs are without a specific major; formally General Studies)
  • Students looking to change their major and/or looking to add a minor to their degree
  • Students on Academic Probation
  • Students who have been removed from their program and have defaulted into one of the General programs listed above
  • Students returning from a long absence
  • Students who enrolled in the BOOST program
  • Students who have general questions about university rules and regulations
  • Students who have transferred to Brock

The Brock Academic Advisors can be contacted at

Each department also has an Academic Advising team that supports students with their questions related to their specific degrees and who have a specific major.  Program-specific Advisors can be found through the Advisor Directory.

Additional Resources can be found on the Academic Advising website.

Drop-in Advising

The Brock Central Academic Advisors offers both virtual and in-person drop-in advising services throughout the academic year. Advisors can answer general questions for all students and provide support for the students mentioned above. Please visit the Academic Advising website for up-to-date Drop-In times. 

Booking Appointments

Students can book appointments with their Academic Advisor through their Brock Portal.   If your Portal shows that there are no appointments available, please check back often as more appointments are added frequently. Please note that appointments are open 5-10 business days in advance, and that each advising team has their own schedule for releasing more appointment slots.
