Learning Services

Learning Services provides academic supports to all Brock students to help them reach their full potential in university and beyond.  These services include workshops, drop-in tutoring and one-on-one tutoring. Come visit Learning Services in TH129!

Please email learning@brocku.ca regarding any workshop or consultation inquiries.


Workshops are pre-scheduled, 1-hour live sessions on a variety of topics including time management, goal setting, increasing concentration, self-directed learning, essay writing and exam preparation. Workshops are offered in person and virtually via Teams.

For an up-to-date list of workshops and their dates/times, please visit the Learning Services ExperienceBU events page.

Drop-in Tutoring

Drop-in tutoring is offered to all Brock students in Thistle 129. Tutors specializing in Math, Science, studying, research, essay writing, referencing sources and many other subject areas are available throughout the week. Visit the Learning Services website or ExperienceBU page for the full Drop-In schedule and start dates. 

Please note: Tutors will not solve problems for you, evaluate answers, or edit written work! 

There will be no Drop-In available during the Reading and Winter breaks.
Please contact tutoring@brocku.ca with any Drop-In related inquiries. 


Transfer Success

New transfer students may be eligible to receive free tutoring hours! If you are interested in accessing transfer student tutoring, please book a consultation with the Transfer Student Transition Coordinator.
