Articles tagged with: Perseverance Rover
No matter how many missions to Mars she takes part in, the sheer joy of unearthing discoveries about the Red ... Full story
Brock prof collecting ancient Earth rocks in support of Mars mission
A Brock University researcher is among a group of scientists collecting ancient rocks on Earth that will play an important ... Full story -
Critical thinking key to debunking misinformation, says teaching award recipient
If it’s easy to search the internet for answers, why is higher education important? It’s a question Assistant ... Full story -
Rocks on Mars providing insight into planet’s history, says Brock scientist
Mariek Schmidt is among a team of scientists from around the world examining rocks on Mars in hopes of learning ... Full story -
Mars landing one small step in Mariek Schmidt’s research mission
When the only known planet in the galaxy inhabited entirely by robots welcomed a new resident recently, it marked the ... Full story -
Brock Earth Sciences professor lands Mars mission role
When the Perseverance rover lands on Mars next week, Mariek Schmidt will be ready to search for signs of ancient ... Full story