With new technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI) sparking global discussions about what it means to be human, Brock University’s Humanities Research Institute (HRI) is poised to help shape the future of the humanities by encouraging faculty and graduate students to share their research with the world.
The HRI, comprising faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral and visiting scholars in the Faculty of Humanities, recently joined the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI), a global forum strengthening humanities research through advocacy, grant making and cross-institutional partnerships.
“As a member of the consortium, the HRI is connecting Brock with Humanities research centres around the world and strengthening our global reach,” said HRI Director Elizabeth Vlossak, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of History.
Interdisciplinary in its approach, a key mandate of the HRI is to support graduate student members in their research and professionalization by organizing special seminars and workshops and awarding grants for knowledge mobilization. Now, Humanities graduate students will have access to additional funding opportunities, conferences and events through the CHCI.
“Our graduate students are doing cutting-edge research in their fields and we are excited to help them add their voices to global discussions that shape our society,” said Vlossak.
She said events like the Humanities Graduate Student Symposium (HGSS) help prepare graduate students to present their research and creative work at larger conferences such as those organized by the CHCI while helping to build their confidence in advocating for the relevance of humanities.
Paige Groot, a second-year History master’s student who was on the organizing committee for last year’s inaugural HGSS and is chairing the committee this year, said the symposium creates more opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between students in Humanities graduate programs.
“The symposium is an opportunity for graduate students to share their research, get acquainted with conference-style events, and interact with their peers and faculty across the Humanities disciplines,” said Groot. “It also serves as a great way for undergraduates interested in pursuing graduate studies to get a taste of what being a grad student is like.”
Titled “Narratives of Identity,” this year’s HGSS will take place on Saturday, Feb. 10 in Pond Inlet. During the conference, presenters will engage with their peers to explore questions related to research approaches, sources used and different methods of inquiry to consider.