An upcoming webinar will explore how COVID-19 continues to dramatically change the lives of older adults in numerous and complex ways.
The public is invited to attend the “Older Adults’ Stories of Isolation and Ageism during COVID-19” webinar Wednesday, March 29 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
The event is hosted in collaboration with Brock University’s Master of Applied Gerontology Reimagining Aging Speaker Series and Brock’s Lifespan Institute.
Presenter Tia Rogers-Jarrell, a PhD candidate in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University and Instructor in Brock’s Master of Applied Gerontology program, will share her research with those in attendance.
“Social and physical distancing guidelines put older adults at an increased risk for social isolation,” says Rogers-Jarrell. “Additionally, intergenerational tensions have intensified during the pandemic, and early research states, ‘the labelling of older adults — as a homogenous group — as ‘vulnerable’ can lead to an increased risk of ageism in their communities.’”
Also presenting is Karen Thompson, Service Co-ordinator for Community Support Services of Niagara, who will highlight the organization’s client-driven support services that help seniors in Niagara live independently in their own homes.
The Reimagining Aging Speaker Series is an annual event offering public lectures to both the University and the larger Niagara communities about topics within the field of aging and gerontology.
The Lifespan Institute Speaker Series is a regular series of presentations designed to connect and engage with the community around research that is going on at Brock University.
For more information or to register please visit the Lifespan website.