Effective at 6 p.m. today, Friday, April 3, access to the University’s academic buildings will be reduced as Brock moves to discourage non-essential visits and reduce the frequency of people leaving their homes and travelling through the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The protocols apply to academic facilities at the main campus, and at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (MIWSFPA) in downtown St. Catharines. (Brock’s Hamilton Campus remains closed and is not accessible.)
Swipe-card readers for exterior entrances to academic buildings are being disabled. All visitors will need to check in, and check out, with Campus Security at designated entrances.
Swipe cards will still be effective at interior doors for which they have been authorized.
Swipe card access also remains in effect for exterior entrances to residence buildings.
People coming to campus will need to show Brock employee or student ID. As part of its due diligence to protect staff and students, the University is limiting access to personnel who have been authorized to enter during this time.
All use of on-campus research labs, facilities, and equipment, and off-campus research facilities and sites, has now been suspended. Exceptions may be authorized by the Vice-President, Research, at the recommendation of a Faculty Dean.
The University’s off-site working arrangements remain in effect, and staff and faculty are not permitted to work from their Brock offices during this time. However, anyone requiring a one-off visit to retrieve items will be able to enter for up to 60 minutes.
All people leaving any of the premises should exit through the same designated access points, and check out with the Campus Security team.
Main Campus
Swipe-card readers for exterior entrances have been disabled.
Access to all academic buildings at main campus must be done through the main entrance at the front of Schmon Tower, checking in and out at the Welcome Desk.
This will be open seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Anyone requiring access after hours should call Campus Security at 905-688-5550 x3200, or by using an Emergency Phone.
East Campus
Swipe-card readers for exterior entrances have been disabled.
Persons needing to access academic buildings on the east campus — 573 Glenridge Ave.; the International Building; or Academic East — should phone Campus Security, who will respond within minutes.
Use one of the Emergency Phones to call Campus Security, or phone 905-688-5550 x3200. Security personnel will meet you at the building for screening prior to entry.
Swipe-card readers for exterior entrances have been disabled.
All entrances and departures should be made through the main lobby entrance, which will be staffed by Campus Security 24/7.
Visitors should go to the yellow emergency phone located outside the main lobby, and use it to contact Campus Security.
Computer Commons (Fish Bowl) and ITS Help Desk
The Computer Commons on main campus, which also houses the ITS Help Desk, will continue to remain open Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
However, all access will be through the main entrance in front of Schmon Tower.
Due to Ontario government restrictions, access to the Computer Commons will be limited to five persons on each of the upper and lower levels.