Deadline coming for Chancellor nominations

The Brock community is invited to submit nominations for the University’s next Chancellor by Monday, Jan. 20.

With Shirley Cheechoo’s term as Chancellor coming to an end after Fall Convocation 2020, the Advisory Committee on the Appointment of the Chancellor has begun the search for a successor. Nominations can be submitted, in confidence, by all Brock faculty, staff or students, and by members of the surrounding Niagara community using the downloadable nomination form. Nominees may submit multiple nominations.

The Advisory Committee has developed a profile identifying the required attributes for the role upon which nominations should be based. That profile can be found below.

As a considerable number of nominations are expected and to maintain the confidentiality of the process, nominators are asked not to contact the individual they wish to nominate.

Nominations can be submitted using the the downloadable form to the Office of the University Secretariat at [email protected]. The same email address can be used for questions about the process.

The Committee will consider all nominations and submit its recommendation to Senate’s Governance Committee, which will then submit its recommendation to Senate before any nominees are contacted.

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