Brock Media Clips for Friday, March 1

Here’s a look at some of the media attention Brock University received recently.

Declaring snow days “extremely difficult” call: Professor of Educational Studies David Hutchison spoke about the effects of snow days on teachers and students in a Hamilton Spectator article.

Ontario should invest in cruelty investigations to protect animals and people: Articles by Labour Studies Department Chair Kendra Coulter about the difficult conditions faced by current animal cruelty investigators and the need for publicly funded organizations to enforce animal cruelty laws in Ontario appeared on the Salon and Ipolitics websites.

Murdoch Mysteries author to talk crime writing at Brock: The upcoming visit of Murdoch Mysteries author Maureen Jennings to speak at Brock’s third annual Marilyn Rose Lecture on Tuesday, March 5 was featured in a St. Catharines Standard article.

Gamers, Wild players unite at inaugural Wild Gaming Tournament Finals: An article about an esports gaming tournament in Minnesota featured quotes from Sport Management student Gordon Bouchard, who won the event.

“It’s about hanging on to my past”: Why this man refuses to give up his landline phone: Associate Professor of Communication, Pop Culture and Film Scott Henderson discussed the reluctance of some Canadians to get rid of their landline phones in a CBC Radio story.

If you know of an appearance or story about a Brock faculty member, student, athlete or alumni, please drop us a line with a link to the story at [email protected]

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Education, Faculty & staff, Humanities, In the Media, News, People, Social Sciences
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