Alumni first to celebrate wedding at Isaac’s

It was at Isaac’s Bar and Grill that Todd Foster (BA ’11) and Katie So (BA ’13) first locked eyes as students at Brock University.

Six years later, with a wedding in the works, the couple decided there would be no better place for them to celebrate their love while surrounded by friends and family.

Foster and So recently tied the knot and marked the occasion with a wedding reception at Isaac’s — a first for the Brock venue.

The Kitchener-Waterloo couple have maintained close ties with the University since graduating and consider the school an integral part of their love story.

Isaac’s was the setting of the pair’s first kiss and played host to many memories they shared while completing their undergraduate degrees.

“It meant a tremendous amount to be able to share the space with our families and to reunite with our friends, many of whom are also alumni of Brock University,” Foster said.

“Having everyone join us in such a special place for such a special occasion — we could not have asked for a more perfect space to celebrate.”

The couple said their I Dos at the Stone Mill Inn in St. Catharines before joining their 190 guests for a night of dinner and dancing on Brock’s campus.

“Our wedding day could not have gone any better,” Foster said.

“Isaac’s as a venue was a perfect space and the staff did a fantastic job of making a campus pub look elegant.”

The couple expressed their gratitude to Brock University Students’ Union Programming and Events Manager Curtis Bell and bar Manager Dan Celletti for helping to bring their vision for the venue to life.

“The staff at Isaac’s was able to take our conceptual ideas and turn it into the beautiful reception that it was,” Foster said.

He urged alumni to “embrace everything that is Brock University” and to consider campus facilities for future events.

During their time at Brock, Foster and So enjoyed getting involved on campus.

So was a member of the University’s swim team, spending a year as varsity captain, while Foster worked with Leave the Pack Behind.

Both also worked at the General Brock store.

Foster now works as a mortgage agent and So as an applied behaviour analyst instructor therapist.

For more information on booking Isaac’s as a venue for special events, contact Celetti at [email protected]

Isaac's wedding reception

Katie So (BA ’13) and Todd Foster (BA ’11) tied the knot in February and held their reception at Isaac’s Bar & Grill, where they first met. It was the first wedding reception in the venue’s history.

Alumni wedding reception at Isaac's

Katie So (BA ’13) and Todd Foster (BA ’11) tied the knot in February and held their reception at Isaac’s Bar & Grill, where they first met. It was the first wedding reception in the venue’s history.

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