To encourage the natural curiosity of kids, Youth University offers more than 50 unique camp themes and provides youth access to unique resources.
Brock University is celebrating 10 years of Youth University summer camps this year.
Since its start in July 2005, more than 5,000 youth have been mentored by Brock students in a variety of activities while experiencing a taste of post-secondary life. To encourage the natural curiosity of kids, Youth University offers more than 50 unique camp themes and provides youth access to unique resources such as science labs, computer classrooms, robotics design equipment and a high ropes challenge course.
“Over the last 10 years every youth and staff member has contributed something special of themselves to make our camp program what it is today,” says Kate Cassidy, director and founder of Youth University. “We’re proud to serve Niagara with such an inspiring and inclusive space to have fun, learn and develop key 21st century transferable skills.”
Olivia Di Guilio was a camper with Youth University during those early years (2008) and returned to join the Youth University team as an instructor this year.
“Coming to Brock as a camper had a significant influence on my desire to study here, and coming back as an instructor has really been a full circle experience for me,” says Di Guilio. “I’m able to provide youth with the same inspiration and motivation for learning that I received all those years ago.”
As part of Brock’s 50th anniversary celebrations this year, Youth University (formerly known as CATI) will continue to mark their anniversary with an alumni event. All former instructors and volunteers are invited to come enjoy an afternoon of climbing at the Challenge Course and see what has changed since their early years.
For more information about how to register for Youth University’s summer camp or the alumni event please visit the website.

(Above): Olivia DiGuilio first came to Brock University in 2008 as a Grade 7 student attending Science Camp. (Below): She returned this year as a Youth University mentor now entering her second year of concurrent education at Brock.