Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar is manager of computer services in the Faculty of Education. He lives in St. Catharines and has worked at Brock for 17 years. His office is in the new Welch Hall extension.
What do you like about your job?
My job is an ever-shifting mix of technical and human elements. It challenges and draws on at least two aspects of my personality. And this variety is what I like about my job.
What do you do for fun?
I very much like to read – despite the fact that I am slow at it; I make up for it by reading a lot!
What is the last good book you read?
Fiction: The Next Big Thing by Anita Brookner
Non-fiction: The Idea of a University by John Henry Newman (or Cardinal Newman)
Brock news is a on a roll with answers from some of my favorite people!
I’m too polite to say how long ago the stream of favorite peoples’ answers started, but I will say that it is a number divisible by three.