Sometime over the winter holidays, Brock employees made a difference in our community by donating to the Brock United Way campaign and putting the university over its 2009 goal of $109,000.
When faculty and staff returned to campus Jan. 4, the donation tally put the university campaign at $110,438, or slightly more than 101 per cent.
“The University community once again showed us its commitment to helping others,” said Kevin Lawr, who with Gregory Finn co-chaired the 2009 campaign. “All the volunteers came together to make it a success, but it would not have been possible without the donations from people all across the institution.”
The 2009 volunteer committee included: Lawr, Finn, Lynne Bubic, Marla Portfilio, Lisa Wilson, Joan Dundas, Carolyn Mullin, Kevin Grout, Karolyn Bartel, Tara Franken and Cheryl Clarke. Karen Merritt, James Bell, Sodexo, Campus Security, Mail Services, Printing Services and many other volunteers also provided the support network for publications and events.
While the six-week autumn campaign officially wrapped up at the end of November, pledges and donations were accepted towards the 2009 goal until the end of the calendar year. The volunteer committee has now decided to move forward with a year-round campaign for 2010.
With the reorganization of the campaign, more volunteers will be needed. For information or a chance to be part of the committee moving forward, go to, or send an email to Lynne Prout, campaign co-chair, at [email protected]
For information on the United Way St. Catharines and District, go to
I don’t need to donate to an organization which will use my money to fund irresponsible women who feel the desire to murder their unborn children.
Spend your money elsewhere, folks. There are plenty of more worthwhile charities out there.