Logos and assets

Brock has one logo, our primary brand signature, which ensures that all activities in any unit are associated with the University overall. This helps build one institutional reputation rather than fragmented identities.

Primary brand

A logo functions with the same authenticity as a person’s signature. Building on the vitality and dynamism of the distinctive Brock red, the brand signature presents Brock in a contemporary and powerful way. The vibrant red box encloses the wordmark “Brock.”

The fingerprint represents the individual. It symbolizes the fact that students, graduates, faculty and staff are encouraged to develop themselves as unique, well-rounded individuals. They are more than just numbers; they are individuals who make their marks.

Primary print logo

Brock logo

Primary screen logo

Brock University logo

Logo short form

In the same way that people have a formal signature and “initials” for specific needs, we’ve also extended our identifiers to include a short form logo as a quick identifier for Brock. The “B-in-a-square” logo is used in limited instances on merchandise, social media, and other special cases.

Please contact University Marketing and Communications to inquire about usage of the short form logo.

Brand architecture

The primary Brock logo is the first pillar of our brand — learn more about our brand architecture model.