
  • To facilitate inter-departmental knowledge sharing and creation in computationally driven research.
  • To extend the breadth of the computationally driven research fields to additional Faculties and Schools at Brock.
  • To strengthen the current relationship with the Brock Library as a central hub for outreach and collaboration.
  • To strengthen the current relationship with the Brock Library in establishing the computational resources available through the library (e.g. data access, archival data storage).
  • To collectively represent the needs of Brock HPC users to Brock’s Information Technology Services.
  • To facilitate the communication and sharing of resources (expertise and hardware) among BISC members.
  • To work with SHARCNet and Compute Canada to develop HPC support expertise and train researchers to use HPC effectively and efficiently.
  • To facilitate the use of state-of-the-art computational tools as an integral part of research at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • To strengthen the University’s position when applying for large-scale funding and to ensure that such opportunities are successfully exploited.
  • To facilitate the University’s attraction and retention of high-quality researchers, from all areas of computationally driven research, and to help them to launch new, multidisciplinary research programs.
  • To raise the external profile of the University in computationally driven research, through Agreement of Cooperation with internationally recognized institutes of research and education.
  • To advocate for, and assist with solving, administrative issues associated with the running of large-scale computational resources.