Faculty & Research

In the Department of Sport Management at Brock, we integrate and apply knowledge from the social and management sciences, and from the world of business, to study the sport industry, including public, non-profit, and commercial organizations.

The research undertaken by our faculty members is internationally well-respected and known for its innovation within the transdisciplinary field of sport. We are leading the way in areas such as: the economics of sport, analytics, event management, financial management, globalization, sport environmental sustainability, law, policy, marketing, sales, and sponsorship, leadership, and more.

Our research culture has developed dramatically in the past twenty years with a push to develop individuals and communities who understand the role of sport for the betterment of society.

We believe our commitment to integrity, respect for diversity and inclusiveness, and the importance and influence of sport and sport business to modern society is the foundation for imaginative and innovative scholarship in teaching and research.

Our research productivity and impact is thriving through the excellent work of individual scholars and spirited cooperation with driving new research collaborations across the academy and the sport industry.

For more information about our research activities, visit our faculty directory.

Research News

Contact us


Deborah O’Leary
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies
Office: STH 437
905 688 5550 x4339
[email protected]


Communications and Media Relations
905-688-5550 x5353
[email protected]

Brock research

We have a heart for community and a head for innovation.