Have questions? Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
What are the admission requirements?
4U Biology, 4U Chemistry, 4U English, 4U Math with a minimum of 75% in each of the required courses. Attaining the minimum average does not guarantee admission.
Is Math required?
Yes – Math 4U is a requirement.
What is the cut-off average?
The admission average is typically in the upper 80’s
How many students do you take in for 1st year?
The target is approximately 190 students for first year.
Does Brock offer an accelerated Nursing Program?
No – we do not offer an accelerated program.
Can I “fast track” the program since I have my RPN?
No. Should a prospective student apply and be accepted into the program, they would need to complete all four years. However, the student may receive transfer credits that would lighten the course load. This would be done on a case-by-case basis.
How do I transfer in to the Brock Nursing Program?
Transfer students can apply using the OUAC 105 application. Please take note of specific deadline dates for applying.
How many years is the BScN at Brock University?
The BScN program is a 4 year full-time program.
Is there a part-time option available?
Our program is not offered as a part-time program.
I am thinking about applying to graduate studies at Brock, where can I get more information about your programs and deadlines?
The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences offers five graduate programs with a variety of fields of interest. Program descriptions, requirements and application deadlines for all of our graduate programs can be found on our faculty Graduate Studies page.
I accepted my offer to Brock, what’s next?
First, congratulations, we can’t wait to meet you!
Making the transition to university can be overwhelming — that’s why we’re here to help.
The Discover Brock University webpage has information on how to maximize your Brock experience, and prepare for the transition to university life, even before Orientation Week.
We offer three unique transition programs — Smart Start, LEAP and BaseCamp to help you get started.
I’m starting at Brock in September what do I need to know?
There are a number of steps you need to take before your first day of classes in September. Get a head start by finding out how to activate your student portal, get your student ID card and register for courses.
Sometimes I feel like Brock has its own language, terms and definitions. How do I learn what all of these mean and if they are relevant to me?
We agree, sometimes it can feel like you are learning a new language. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the following terms, especially prior to registration to help you learn the language of Brock.
I, or someone I care about is in crisis, what should I do?
If this is an emergency, call 911 or Campus Safety, by dialing, 905-688-5550, then 1, then the extension below:
- Extension 3200 (crisis)
- Extension 4300 (non-crisis)
Other concerns? You are not alone. There are many services and programs to meet your needs. For a complete list Student Wellness and Accessibility Services.
I’m not feeling well. What health services are available to me as a Brock student?
Student Health Services provides confidential primary health care, prevention programs, wellness education and strategic medical and academic partnerships promoting optimal health and university success.
Is there a quick and easy way to have all of Brock’s resources at my fingertips?
Yes, Brock Mobile lets Brock University students, staff, and faculty quickly access campus and local resources 24/7. Brock Mobile is your direct line to a safer, healthier Brock University.
I have questions about my program. Who can help me and where do I find this information?
The Undergraduate Advising section of this website has valuable information about your program